It is Thanksgiving dinner. Your entire family, including aunts, uncles and grandparents sit at the dinner table. Uncle Ed brings up your embarrassing moments from middle school while your children bicker over pieces of turkey. The meal erupts into a battle as the gravy boat spills all over grandma’s lap.
Is this type of family behavior common? Yes, every family experiences the joys and obstacles of what it means to be a family. However, you crave to have the best family possible. This leads you to wonder how you can improve the relationships in your family.

There are several aspects of family relationships. As a parent you would like to focus on your parenting skills. What are the secrets of successful parents? What defines success? How do other parents deal with family issues such as raising kids, maintaining financial resources, and enjoying life at the same time?

Clue yourself into these burning questions by listening your way to a more cohesive family. There are over 80 titles that deal with parenting and family issues on You can listen to these audio resources in the car while you drive your kids to basketball practice or at work when you are on your lunch break. You can also spend family time together listening to these proven techniques.

A great way to improve you parenting and family relationship skills is to model your family after highly effective families. Listen to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey and 7 Habits Family Collection to help your family communicate more effectively with each other. Or try Zig Ziglar's classic on parenting Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World. Zig draws on years of experience and the latest research to provide inspiration to parents everywhere. Looking for a step-by-step program to follow? Listen to 3 Steps to a Strong Family by Linda Eyre. The three steps involve a family legal system, economy and traditions. By understanding and implementing these three steps your family can experience more tranquility and emotional connection.

Other great family resources include: Being a Happy Effective Parent by Effective Learning Systems, Five Needs Your Child Must Have Met at Home by Ron Hutchcraft, and How to Raise Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children by Brian Tracy. These audio learning resources offer tips, techniques, and methods on raising children. Any parent would benefit from listening to this parenting advice. In addition, mothers should also check out the MommyCast Podcast which discusses a variety of "Mommy-specific" topics.

Family relationships can be fluid in nature. Therefore, it is important to continue to study and employ family building techniques. These audio learning resources can improve your parenting skills and help you to build a happy family even when the gravy boat spills.

About The Author: Jillian Gregory writes for, an online portal for educational and self-development audio and video material which can be found at

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