New Website Promotes Vocations through the Internet

BERWYN, IL (NOVEMBER 6, 2008) - Carrying out Vatican II’s request that the Church use the modern means of communication, a website has been launched that helps religious communities and dioceses use the internet to promote vocations.

“My information covers the importance of blogs, newsletters and search engine ranking without sounding too technical,” states Kevin Banet, president of TreeFrogClick, Inc., which built the website. “I find that many religious communities are intimidated by the technology, and I want to change that.”

Banet, who founded TreeFrogClick in 2003 mainly to put religious communities on the web, says that there is a tremendous opportunity for those promoting vocations to the priesthood, religious and consecrated life to use the internet to their benefit. “Rather than shy away from it, religious should know that youth grow up with the web and are heavily influenced by it,” Banet said.

“A community’s website is very important — second in importance behind personal contact,” Banet said, citing a recent study by a vocation organization. “Many religious communities are stuck in a print mode and spend thousands on brochures and print ads, but what do they get for it?”

Pope John Paul II urged Catholics to use the internet in 2002, when he issued a Church document, “Internet: A New Forum for Proclaiming the Gospel.” He said, “We must enter into this modern and ever more replete communications network with realism and confidence.”

The new vocation website, at, contains regular entries and covers topics such as blogs, enewsletters, tips on search engine ranking, and videos.

TreeFrogClick, at, located in the Chicago area, offers web-building and search-ranking services to religious communities, dioceses and small businesses.

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