Fr. Neuhaus Compared to John Cardinal Henry Newman

A new article on the Catholic Business Journal ( compares the profound, expansive work and cultural impact of Father Richard John Neuhaus to that of John Cardinal Henry Newman, the renown English convert and founder of the Oxford Movement in England in the 1800s.

“The cultural influence of Fr. Neuhaus echoes that of the great Cardinal Newman founder of the Oxford Movement in England, another Catholic convert who profoundly influenced culture through his writings, eloquence and holy life, “ writes Karen Walker of the Catholic Business Journal. “Fr. Neuhaus has been a Cardinal Newman of our era. His death is a huge loss for our culture, but his prolific writings are a tremendous legacy and resource for those who recognize the critical importance of including religion in the public square.”

“Father Neuhaus was like the teacher,” says Catholic Business Journal columnist Tom Loarie. “He articulated, very forcefully and clearly, issues that are fundamental to Catholics and he made them clear.

“Many of us are in the trenches, so to speak,” continues Mr. Loarie. “We can go through life, observe, and have a gut feel for things. But someone like Father Neuhaus is so clear, so logical, that he is able to put that gut feeling into words. For years his writings gave a logical structure and framework for things that I’ve observed in my own life, making sense of gut feelings and observations. He will be greatly missed my many of us.”

For more information or to read the Catholic Business Journal article on Father Richard John Neuhaus, go to

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