Review of Handbook of Catholic Apologetics: Two Thumbs Up

The Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is a comprehensive and informative guide to the Catholic faith. Written by two experienced philosophers, Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli, the book covers a wide range of topics, from the existence of God to the meaning of life. Although I've read through large sections of this book, I come back to it time after time, always finding something new.

The book is divided into five parts:

Part 1: The Nature of Apologetics

Part 2: God

Part 3: Christ

Part 4: The Church

Part 5: Life After Death

Each part contains a number of chapters, each of which addresses a specific question or issue. The chapters are well-written and easy to understand, and they are supported by clear and concise arguments.

The Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is an excellent resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. It is also a valuable tool for those who want to defend their faith against challenges from skeptics and atheists. 

Adherence to Catholic Tradition and Theology

The Handbook of Catholic Apologetics adheres to Catholic tradition and theology throughout. The authors draw on the teachings of the Church Fathers, the Councils of the Church, and the writings of the saints to support their arguments.

The book is also faithful to the Catholic understanding of God, Christ, the Church, and life after death. The authors do not shy away from difficult topics, such as the problem of evil, but they offer clear and reasoned explanations of the Catholic position.

Overall Assessment

The Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is an excellent resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. It is also a valuable tool for those who want to defend their faith against challenges from skeptics and atheists.

The book is well-written, informative, and easy to understand. It is also faithful to Catholic tradition and theology. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.

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