Daily Mass Broadcast Now on Catholic.net

Catholics who cannot attend Mass daily are encouraged to watch online

New Haven, CT (OCTOBER 15, 2008) – The Office of Communications/TV Ministry of the Diocese of Worcester, MA, has teamed up with Catholic.net for broadcasting the Daily Mass over the internet in an effort to broaden Catholics’ access to the daily liturgy.

The Daily Mass is broadcast each weekday morning from the Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Chapel in the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester, Massachusetts. The Mass began primarily as a way for homebound, elderly and shut-in viewers to be able to participate in the celebration of the Mass by watching from their homes.

In October 2006 the Mass was offered on the internet to viewers all over the world. Since its internet debut, there have been over 25,000 viewers from all over the world including England, Dubai, and New Zealand. Now the expectation is that over 10 thousand viewers are reached daily through www.catholic.net/mass.

“Now we are able to impact significantly the number of viewers that we can reach by offering the Daily Mass on Catholic.net as well as WorcesterDiocese.org” said Steve Kaufman, manager of productions and programming for TV Ministry for the Diocese of Worcester .

The Diocese of Worcester’s Mass is unique because the celebrant is different each day, the homily is very well prepared often directing the preaching to the viewers and making mention of them during the prayers of petition. In addition, the TV ministry of the Diocese does a state of the art postproduction.” Rosalia Tenorio, Director of Catholic.net said that “Offering the daily Mass on our portal is a wonderful addition to our users. We are very thankful to the Diocese of Worcester for extending their service to the Catholic.net Community.”

The Daily Mass and Catholic.net, both non-profit, are funded by contributions from viewers and visitors.

About Catholic.net
Catholic.net is a web based apostolate, directed by the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi Movement, intended to form an online Catholic community committed to evangelize the social world by building up the Kingdom of Christ through their Families, Parishes, Dioceses, and general communities. To foster this commitment Catholic.net promotes interaction among Catholics worldwide through information sharing and online interactive tools. Fundamentally Catholic.net serves as an online platform to build synergies among the various apostolic initiatives.

Catholic-New-Media Feature: Faithful Citizenship on Innocent Human Life

“Behold the Lamb of God!” Even in Jesus’ time, when John the Baptist spoke these words, referring to Christ, this seems a strange thing to say. Yet I cannot help thinking these words also apply to the souls of children in the womb—those who have yet to be born and those whose lives ended before birth. Behold the Lamb of God! The sacrificial lamb of the Old Testament becomes the Sacrificial Lamb of the New Covenant, shedding blood for the salvation of all souls.

These words take on more urgent meaning at the threshold of the presidential election. What should we behold if we do not behold the Lamb of God? The elite media bombard voters with the candidates’ critique of social, economic, and political issues that confront us locally and globally. In turn, conveying the proposals of the candidates, they present us with messages of hope, pervasive change, and programs that promise to vastly improve the well-being of the masses.

These ideas, while ostensibly promoting the common good, must carefully be examined in relation to other foundational principles on which all others are built—the inviolability of innocent human life and the moral obligation to preserve it.

And innocent lives in the womb, the children who have no voice, no way of crying out for their right simply to exist, how can we not cry out for them? How can we keep from speaking for them by giving them disproportionate attention and assistance, due justice, as we cast our vote? In Living the Gospel of Life, a United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) publication, the authors declare, “Abortion and euthanasia have become preeminent threats to human life and dignity because they directly attack life itself, the most fundamental good and the condition for all others.” If life itself is the most fundamental good, then life itself should be given disproportionate attention over all other social, economic, and political agendas.

An extended quotation from Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility (USCCB), merits special consideration:

There are some things we must never do, as individuals or as a society, because they are always incompatible with love of God and neighbor. Such actions are so deeply flawed that they are always opposed to the authentic good of persons. These are called “intrinsically evil” actions. They must always be rejected and opposed and must never be supported or condoned. A prime example is the intentional taking of innocent human life, as in abortion and euthanasia. In our nation, “abortion and euthanasia have become preeminent threats to human dignity because they directly attack life itself, the most fundamental human good and the condition for all others” (Living the Gospel of Life, no. 5).

As you prayerfully consider candidates in the days ahead, examine their values, policies, voting records—their very words and deeds—in light of your Catholic identity and in steadfastness to your faith. Behold the Lamb of God! The immeasurable sanctity of innocent human life hangs in the balance this fall.

I encourage you to pass this along to Catholic acquaintances or refer them to the faithful citizenship website at www.faithfulcitizenship.org.

RealCatholicTV.com: Premium Access Free Offer

RealCatholicTV.com and DFW Catholic, a daily Catholic media service, have partnered to bring viewers one free month of premium Catholic TV programming.RealCatholicTV.com also offers free programming with simple registration, including videos such as Today's Saint, This Day in History, and Catholic News Roundup.

From RealCatholicTV.com's mission page, the organization's aim is "to provide everyone with means to increase their personal holiness through catechesis and evangelization about the truth of the Christian faith."

To obtain the free premium service, users subscribe by e-mail to DFW Catholic’s daily news updates.

I would like to hear comments from users who have the premium service. What kind of programming does RealCatholicTV.com offer that you find valuable? Please comment below.

TX (OCTOBER 9, 2008) – Internet users worldwide can now access solid
Catholic news and programming thanks to the partnership ofDFW Catholic and RealCatholicTV.com. By subscribing to receive DFW Catholic’s daily news updates via email, users will receive one free month of Premium Access service from RealCatholicTV.com. The relationship, while still in its infancy, is certain to draw more users to both sites and inform viewers about Catholic news and promote orthodox Church teaching.

DFW Catholic, a MetroCatholic
publication, is a one-of-a-kind website which provides daily Catholic
news occurring around the world from the Vatican to the local parish.
The site, which supplements the periodic print publications offered by
the diocesan newspapers, will soon be followed by other regional sites
in Texas and subsequent sites in major markets across the U.S.

RealCatholicTV.com is an internet-based
Catholic television station that offers episodes on morality, movie
reviews, news and political commentary, entertainment, apologetics, and
much more. The group aims to provide viewers with a means to increase
their personal holiness throughcatechesis and evangelization about the truth of the Christian faith.

"As I see it, the promotion is entirely open-ended,” said Simon Rafe, Senior Platform Administrator for RealCatholicTV.com.
“We want as many people as possible to benefit from this." Both groups
share the objective of informing the public about current events, while
at the same time spreading the truth about the teachings of the
Catholic Church.

“We are both young lay organizations and feel
this partnership will help us achieve our common goal of utilizing
top-notch Catholic media to evangelize to as many people as possible,"
said Chad Simpson, CEO ofMetroCatholic, Inc. “We are excited to be working with RealCatholicTV.com and are eager to see the fruit of both ministries.”

For news and more information, visit www.DFWCatholic.org.

Great Catholic-New-Media Tool: Liturgy of the Hours on Your iPhone

This ancient form of prayer, formerly the Divine Office, consists of
Psalms, scripture readings, antiphons, hymns, intercessions, and Marian
prayers. An obligation to members of ordained religious communities, it
is a form of liturgy the Church also exhorts the faithful to pray.
Available on the Web and in mobile format, Catholics can participate in
this prayer wherever they are.

The Liturgy of the Hours is prayed five times during the day and corresponds to the former seven canonical hours:

Office of Readings (Matins)
Morning Prayer (Lauds)
Daytime Prayer (Middle Hour)
Evening Prayer (Vespers)
Night Prayer

The Catechism of the Catholic Church presents the Liturgy of the Hours as a
prayer of the entire church, and it encourages the common celebration
of the principal hours, such as matins and vespers.

At Universalis, the Liturgy of the hours is available in mobile
phone format as well as iPhone.

I'd like to hear whether you have ever prayed this way and how you use your
cell phone—if at all—to pray. Please feel free to comment.