Multimedia Content Now on and team up to offer users featured faith formation content in multimedia format. The partnership launches with an Easter series that users can watch right on the’s homepage. -- West Hollywood, California – is a lay apostolate that works to help the Church in the New Evangelization by providing modern media resources that convey the gospel message through iconography, videography, graphic arts, narrative, and soundtrack. strives to provide the Church with multimedia resources that are faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. During the 42nd World Communications Day, Pope Benedict XVI stated that, "The new media - telecommunications and Internet in particular - are changing the very face of communication; perhaps this is a valuable opportunity to reshape it!". Stephen Officer, Director, expressed that “It is a great joy to assist the Church in this noble and essential mission that is to evangelize through the internet.” users have free access to the videos. Rosalia Tenorio, Director of English, pointed out that it is with great joy that features multimedia content because screen production is a very powerful evangelization tool. “We should never change the message, but are called to make the format in which we deliver the Lord’s message ever more appealing to our audience and is helping us achieve just that.”, stated Tenorio. also serves as a hub for faith formation multimedia content. Several other apostolates distribute their videos through With content on bishops, priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, catechists, missionaries, youth directors, teachers/instructors, parents…. Everyone is able use the best of these featured videos to re-evangelize the baptized and even to introduce Our Lord to the ones who still don’t know him personally.

New Releases from Kultur

Kultur is proud to announce the release of two magnificent new inspirational DVDs! Easter in Art and 500 Years of St. Peter’s celebrate Christianity in art and history.

Easter In Art
In a three-part series, Tim Marlow explores the Easter story as depicted in art, from the time of the early Christians to the present day. Shot on location in Jerusalem and throughout Europe, the series explores the different ways artists have depicted the Easter story through the ages.

500 Years of St. Peter’s
April 18, 1506 saw the beginning of the end for the 1200-year-old St. Peter's Basilica on the Vatican Hill in Rome. For on this day, under the supervision of chief architect Donato Bramante, the foundation stone was laid for a new St. Peter's Cathedral. Like a huge precious shell, the dome envelops the humble tomb, buried within its depths, of the Apostle Peter, appointed by Jesus to bear responsibility for the Christian faith. This documentary describes the history of the Basilica and the architects who helped design this world-famous center of the Roman Catholic Church.

International 40 Days for Life Campaign

More than 130 cities in the United States and Canada - as well as locations in Australia and Northern Ireland, which are participating for the first time - are kicking off a 40-day campaign seeking an end to abortion. 40 Days for Life begins tomorrow and runs through April 5.

40 Days for Life, which coincides with the start of the Christian season of Lent, is an intensive 40-day program of prayer and fasting, community outreach, and constant vigil outside abortion facilities, Planned Parenthood offices and other public locations. The communities taking part in these simultaneous campaigns are listed online at

"The economy is weak and the political landscape is challenging," said Shawn Carney, spring campaign director for 40 Days for Life, "but people recognize they can make a life-saving difference by going to pray outside the places where women and children are at risk - abortion facilities in their local towns. Prayer and peaceful action works, and as a result, record numbers of people are joining 40 Days for Life. With 130-plus cities, that's more than double the number that took part in the spring of 2008."

This is the fourth coordinated, simultaneous 40 Days for Life campaign. Thus far, more than 175,000 people in 204 cities have participated. Three abortion facilities have shut their doors following 40 Days for Life events; thirteen employees have left the abortion business, and 1,128 babies have been saved from abortion through the prayerful presence of people peacefully standing outside the clinics.

"This is clearly making an impact when it comes to showing people, on a city-by-city basis, the negative impact that abortion has on their communities," said Carney. "Many people think about abortion in abstract terms. But 40 Days for Life shows that abortion is real, it's in their neighborhoods, and it has devastating results - not only for the babies, but for mothers, fathers and many others."

Men and women with abortion experiences have sought healing because of the 40 Days for Life activities. "We know of many people who were involved in abortions years ago who have come to see that their 'choice' was a poor one," said Carney. "We've been able to connect them with groups who specifically minister to those with post-abortion issues. Those ministries help these people find healing and get their lives back in order. This is yet another blessing seen through 40 Days for Life.

"To focus on the United States for a moment," he added, "the 2008 election results do not show that America is pro-choice. Not at all. America is increasingly pro-life. All the momentum is on the side of life. People do indeed want change - and the change that people are praying and fasting for is an end to the culture of death and the establishment of a culture of life. We believe - we know - that this is a change that will happen. We can't say when, but it will happen."

Catholic World Mission Developing Wider Internet Presence

Catholic World Mission has been working over the past few months to develop a greater internet presence. As a tool for evangelization, the internet is one of the fastest growing technological advances of our day, and CWM is aiming to take advantage of that fact.

Following in the footsteps of the Holy Father who now has his own channel on You Tube, Catholic World Mission is happy to announce a recent web site upgrade to our site: With these new changes, we will be better able to give you more timely information regarding our projects and programs as we continue to serve the poor around the world and share the saving message of Christ at the same time.

Phase I web site upgrades include:
Maps showing the regions around the world where we are actively working
Summaries of core programs and current on-going projects
Progress reports to track each project individually
More critical enhancements to create a more interactive environment on the web

CWM has also expanded our web presence by developing a new fan page on the social networking site, Facebook. We will also soon be seen on Catholic Online and Catholic Exchange. Finally, our HELPING HANDS Medical Missions can also be seen via this You Tube Channel.