Online/Audio Bibles Spread Gospel Message

Faith Comes By Hearing, the world’s foremost Audio Bible ministry, recently released six more Audio Bible recordings.

The Audio Drama New Testament is now available in the following languages:

• Azerbaijani, North – Azerbaijan
• Hadiyya – Ethiopia
• Quiché Joyabaj – Guatemala
• Ekegusii – Kenya
• Turkana – Kenya
• Kivunjo – Tanzania

These new offerings represent more than 10.1 million people on three continents. Currently, Faith Comes By Hearing has 419 Audio Scripture recordings available in 355 languages. More than 380 of these Audio Bibles are available at for free download or online streaming.

Faith Comes By Hearing records and uses Audio Bibles to reach and disciple the world’s poor and illiterate people with the Gospel message. The ministry’s mission is to record the Audio Drama New Testament in 2,000 languages and to start 1.8 million Bible listening groups by 2016 to reach the 50% of the world who cannot read and are poor.

Jerry Jackson, Faith Comes By Hearing’s founder and president, said he’s seen how Audio Bibles recorded in a dramatized format are highly effective and help people comprehend the Gospel message.

“Audio Drama recordings for oral peoples are absolute necessities,” Jackson said.
“Studies show that orality-based people groups process information differently. For example, stories told in linear fashion can be more difficult to digest and remember, but when told in a dramatized fashion oral people understand the Bible stories.”

“When these recordings go out, many people will be able to understand Scripture for the very first time,” Jackson said.

Faith Comes By Hearing approaches the Great Commission through a variety of programs using Audio Bibles. God's Word in audio is provided free of charge to churches and people groups all around the world.

For audio and online bibles visit Faith Comes By Hearing.

Recruiting Priests and Religious through the Internet

When it comes to finding youth who will become tomorrow’s Catholic priests, brothers and sisters, things have moved to the internet.

Eighty percent of new vocations now come from the internet, a vocations director of a major men’s religious said recently at the annual Here I Am Lord youth conference this past weekend in St. Charles, IL.

Hundreds of youth converged March 6 – 8 at St. Patrick’s Catholic parish in this western Chicago suburb to hear top Catholic speakers and musicians help youth find their calling in life, whether it be marriage, the single life, or a religious calling.

Among priests and sisters staffing the booths, some were very experienced in using websites, enewsletters and online advertising, while others were just getting their feet wet, perhaps feeling a little behind in things.

“I know I have to learn about these things,” one priest said. He knew how to use a word processing program, but that was about it. Kevin Banet, TreeFrogClick president, was happy to explain to him about enewsletters, and how the popular social media site, Facebook works.

Once a person signs up with Facebook as a member, which is free, one can invite others to become a friend. When they agree to accept the invitation, they can see one's profile and what other friends have written on the profile “wall.”

A religious brother at the conference said, “When I get an email from someone on Facebook asking me to be their friend, I naturally assume that it is because they are interested in a vocation. So I say yes.”

Promotion is all about relationships, and the internet helps greatly. It is something that is not easy, but it takes knowledge, experience and persistence.

For help in designing your business or non-profit website, or in promoting your cause or small business, go to


Lenten Reflections on CatholicTV

Father Tom Rosica, former CEO and National Director of World Youth Day 2002 will present his Lenten Reflections each week during Lent on CatholicTV. Also offering Lenten Reflections will be Father Richard Erikson, a former Air Force Chaplain who holds 3 Master’s degrees and a P.H.D. in sociology.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

As part of special Lenten programming, CatholicTV will air Lenten Reflections by Fr. Tom Rosica. Father Rosica is the CEO of Salt + Light Television, Canada’s first national Catholic Television Network. He is a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil. Father Rosica is renowned in Catholic media and also serves as an advisor to the Holy See Mission to the United Nations in New York City.

In his Lenten Reflections, Fr. Rosica packs as much Catholic spirituality and insight into his 5-minute long reflections as possible. Each reflection begins with a slow chorus singing “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom”. Reflections revolve around the Lenten Sunday Mass Readings. Catholics are offered a unique opportunity to understand the readings they hear each Sunday.

Fr. Richard Erikson will also offer Lenten Reflections on CatholicTV. Father Richard Erikson is the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Boston. He has 3 Master’s Degrees, a doctorate in sociology, and also worked as a chaplain in the U.S. Air Force. He is now an advisor to the Air Force. In one of his reflections, Fr. Erikson reflects upon the intensity of the Lenten season by sharing that old age is like the rest of life, only more intense. He encourages Catholics to embrace the intensity of their personal and communal Lenten journey.

Both Fr. Erikson’s and Fr. Rosica’s reflections are being played throughout the day during Lent. In addition, Fr. Rosica’s reflections can be seen each week during the “Blink” time slots at these times: Monday- 10:30PM; Tuesday- 7AM & 8:30PM; Wednesday- 1PM; Thursday- 9AM & 11PM; Saturday 2:30AM & 6:30PM. The Blink time slots consist of 30 minutes of short thoughts and reflections by many different Catholics about the Catholic faith and life as Catholics. All times are Eastern Standard Multimedia Content on and team up to offer users featured faith formation content in multimedia format. The partnership launches with an Easter series that users can watch right on the’s homepage. -- West Hollywood, California – is a lay apostolate that works to help the Church in the New Evangelization by providing modern media resources that convey the gospel message through iconography, videography, graphic arts, narrative, and soundtrack. strives to provide the Church with multimedia resources that are faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. During the 42nd World Communications Day, Pope Benedict XVI stated that, "The new media - telecommunications and Internet in particular - are changing the very face of communication; perhaps this is a valuable opportunity to reshape it!". Stephen Officer, Director, expressed that “It is a great joy to assist the Church in this noble and essential mission that is to evangelize through the internet.” users have free access to the videos. Rosalia Tenorio, Director of English, pointed out that it is with great joy that features multimedia content because screen production is a very powerful evangelization tool. “We should never change the message, but are called to make the format in which we deliver the Lord’s message ever more appealing to our audience and is helping us achieve just that.”, stated Tenorio. also serves as a hub for faith formation multimedia content. Several other apostolates distribute their videos through With content on bishops, priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, catechists, missionaries, youth directors, teachers/instructors, parents…. Everyone is able use the best of these featured videos to re-evangelize the baptized and even to introduce Our Lord to the ones who still don’t know him personally.