Lenten Reflections on CatholicTV

Father Tom Rosica, former CEO and National Director of World Youth Day 2002 will present his Lenten Reflections each week during Lent on CatholicTV. Also offering Lenten Reflections will be Father Richard Erikson, a former Air Force Chaplain who holds 3 Master’s degrees and a P.H.D. in sociology.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

As part of special Lenten programming, CatholicTV will air Lenten Reflections by Fr. Tom Rosica. Father Rosica is the CEO of Salt + Light Television, Canada’s first national Catholic Television Network. He is a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil. Father Rosica is renowned in Catholic media and also serves as an advisor to the Holy See Mission to the United Nations in New York City.

In his Lenten Reflections, Fr. Rosica packs as much Catholic spirituality and insight into his 5-minute long reflections as possible. Each reflection begins with a slow chorus singing “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom”. Reflections revolve around the Lenten Sunday Mass Readings. Catholics are offered a unique opportunity to understand the readings they hear each Sunday.

Fr. Richard Erikson will also offer Lenten Reflections on CatholicTV. Father Richard Erikson is the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Boston. He has 3 Master’s Degrees, a doctorate in sociology, and also worked as a chaplain in the U.S. Air Force. He is now an advisor to the Air Force. In one of his reflections, Fr. Erikson reflects upon the intensity of the Lenten season by sharing that old age is like the rest of life, only more intense. He encourages Catholics to embrace the intensity of their personal and communal Lenten journey.

Both Fr. Erikson’s and Fr. Rosica’s reflections are being played throughout the day during Lent. In addition, Fr. Rosica’s reflections can be seen each week during the “Blink” time slots at these times: Monday- 10:30PM; Tuesday- 7AM & 8:30PM; Wednesday- 1PM; Thursday- 9AM & 11PM; Saturday 2:30AM & 6:30PM. The Blink time slots consist of 30 minutes of short thoughts and reflections by many different Catholics about the Catholic faith and life as Catholics. All times are Eastern Standard

CatholicMediaHouse.com Multimedia Content on Catholic.net

CatholicMediaHouse.com and Catholic.net team up to offer users featured faith formation content in multimedia format. The partnership launches with an Easter series that users can watch right on the Catholic.net’s homepage.
CatholicMediaHouse.com -- West Hollywood, California – is a lay apostolate that works to help the Church in the New Evangelization by providing modern media resources that convey the gospel message through iconography, videography, graphic arts, narrative, and soundtrack.

CatholicMediaHouse.com strives to provide the Church with multimedia resources that are faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. During the 42nd World Communications Day, Pope Benedict XVI stated that, "The new media - telecommunications and Internet in particular - are changing the very face of communication; perhaps this is a valuable opportunity to reshape it!". Stephen Officer, CatholicMediaHouse.com Director, expressed that “It is a great joy to assist the Church in this noble and essential mission that is to evangelize through the internet.”

Catholic.net users have free access to the CatholicMediaHouse.com videos. Rosalia Tenorio, Director of Catholic.net English, pointed out that it is with great joy that Catholic.net features CatholicMediaHouse.com multimedia content because screen production is a very powerful evangelization tool. “We should never change the message, but are called to make the format in which we deliver the Lord’s message ever more appealing to our audience and CatholicMediaHouse.com is helping us achieve just that.”, stated Tenorio.

CatholicMediaHouse.com also serves as a hub for faith formation multimedia content. Several other apostolates distribute their videos through CatholicMediaHouse.com. With CatholicMediaHouse.com content on Catholic.net bishops, priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, catechists, missionaries, youth directors, teachers/instructors, parents…. Everyone is able use the best of these featured videos to re-evangelize the baptized and even to introduce Our Lord to the ones who still don’t know him personally.

CatholicMediaHouse.com Multimedia Content Now on Catholic.net

CatholicMediaHouse.com and Catholic.net team up to offer users featured faith formation content in multimedia format. The partnership launches with an Easter series that users can watch right on the Catholic.net’s homepage.
CatholicMediaHouse.com -- West Hollywood, California – is a lay apostolate that works to help the Church in the New Evangelization by providing modern media resources that convey the gospel message through iconography, videography, graphic arts, narrative, and soundtrack.

CatholicMediaHouse.com strives to provide the Church with multimedia resources that are faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. During the 42nd World Communications Day, Pope Benedict XVI stated that, "The new media - telecommunications and Internet in particular - are changing the very face of communication; perhaps this is a valuable opportunity to reshape it!". Stephen Officer, CatholicMediaHouse.com Director, expressed that “It is a great joy to assist the Church in this noble and essential mission that is to evangelize through the internet.”

Catholic.net users have free access to the CatholicMediaHouse.com videos. Rosalia Tenorio, Director of Catholic.net English, pointed out that it is with great joy that Catholic.net features CatholicMediaHouse.com multimedia content because screen production is a very powerful evangelization tool. “We should never change the message, but are called to make the format in which we deliver the Lord’s message ever more appealing to our audience and CatholicMediaHouse.com is helping us achieve just that.”, stated Tenorio.

CatholicMediaHouse.com also serves as a hub for faith formation multimedia content. Several other apostolates distribute their videos through CatholicMediaHouse.com. With CatholicMediaHouse.com content on Catholic.net bishops, priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, catechists, missionaries, youth directors, teachers/instructors, parents…. Everyone is able use the best of these featured videos to re-evangelize the baptized and even to introduce Our Lord to the ones who still don’t know him personally.

New Releases from Kultur

Kultur is proud to announce the release of two magnificent new inspirational DVDs! Easter in Art and 500 Years of St. Peter’s celebrate Christianity in art and history.

Easter In Art
In a three-part series, Tim Marlow explores the Easter story as depicted in art, from the time of the early Christians to the present day. Shot on location in Jerusalem and throughout Europe, the series explores the different ways artists have depicted the Easter story through the ages.

500 Years of St. Peter’s
April 18, 1506 saw the beginning of the end for the 1200-year-old St. Peter's Basilica on the Vatican Hill in Rome. For on this day, under the supervision of chief architect Donato Bramante, the foundation stone was laid for a new St. Peter's Cathedral. Like a huge precious shell, the dome envelops the humble tomb, buried within its depths, of the Apostle Peter, appointed by Jesus to bear responsibility for the Christian faith. This documentary describes the history of the Basilica and the architects who helped design this world-famous center of the Roman Catholic Church.

International 40 Days for Life Campaign

More than 130 cities in the United States and Canada - as well as locations in Australia and Northern Ireland, which are participating for the first time - are kicking off a 40-day campaign seeking an end to abortion. 40 Days for Life begins tomorrow and runs through April 5.

40 Days for Life, which coincides with the start of the Christian season of Lent, is an intensive 40-day program of prayer and fasting, community outreach, and constant vigil outside abortion facilities, Planned Parenthood offices and other public locations. The communities taking part in these simultaneous campaigns are listed online at http://40daysforlife.com/location.cfm.

"The economy is weak and the political landscape is challenging," said Shawn Carney, spring campaign director for 40 Days for Life, "but people recognize they can make a life-saving difference by going to pray outside the places where women and children are at risk - abortion facilities in their local towns. Prayer and peaceful action works, and as a result, record numbers of people are joining 40 Days for Life. With 130-plus cities, that's more than double the number that took part in the spring of 2008."

This is the fourth coordinated, simultaneous 40 Days for Life campaign. Thus far, more than 175,000 people in 204 cities have participated. Three abortion facilities have shut their doors following 40 Days for Life events; thirteen employees have left the abortion business, and 1,128 babies have been saved from abortion through the prayerful presence of people peacefully standing outside the clinics.

"This is clearly making an impact when it comes to showing people, on a city-by-city basis, the negative impact that abortion has on their communities," said Carney. "Many people think about abortion in abstract terms. But 40 Days for Life shows that abortion is real, it's in their neighborhoods, and it has devastating results - not only for the babies, but for mothers, fathers and many others."

Men and women with abortion experiences have sought healing because of the 40 Days for Life activities. "We know of many people who were involved in abortions years ago who have come to see that their 'choice' was a poor one," said Carney. "We've been able to connect them with groups who specifically minister to those with post-abortion issues. Those ministries help these people find healing and get their lives back in order. This is yet another blessing seen through 40 Days for Life.

"To focus on the United States for a moment," he added, "the 2008 election results do not show that America is pro-choice. Not at all. America is increasingly pro-life. All the momentum is on the side of life. People do indeed want change - and the change that people are praying and fasting for is an end to the culture of death and the establishment of a culture of life. We believe - we know - that this is a change that will happen. We can't say when, but it will happen."

Catholic World Mission Developing Wider Internet Presence

Catholic World Mission has been working over the past few months to develop a greater internet presence. As a tool for evangelization, the internet is one of the fastest growing technological advances of our day, and CWM is aiming to take advantage of that fact.

Following in the footsteps of the Holy Father who now has his own channel on You Tube, Catholic World Mission is happy to announce a recent web site upgrade to our site: www.catholicworldmission.org. With these new changes, we will be better able to give you more timely information regarding our projects and programs as we continue to serve the poor around the world and share the saving message of Christ at the same time.

Phase I web site upgrades include:
Maps showing the regions around the world where we are actively working
Summaries of core programs and current on-going projects
Progress reports to track each project individually
More critical enhancements to create a more interactive environment on the web

CWM has also expanded our web presence by developing a new fan page on the social networking site, Facebook. We will also soon be seen on Catholic Online and Catholic Exchange. Finally, our HELPING HANDS Medical Missions can also be seen via this You Tube Channel.

CatholicsComeHome.org Ads during Lent

Corpus Christi will participate as a regional media market for the Catholics Come Home.org television outreach, beginning Monday February 23, and airing through the six weeks of Lent, leading up to Easter Sunday.

CatholicsComeHome.org is a successful initiative of Catholics Come Home, Inc. (a 501(C)3 not for profit, independent charity), designed to invite inactive Catholics and others searching for a faith home to the Catholic faith, through television commercials and an informational website. Beginning Feb 23rd, Catholics Come Home, Inc., will air approximately 2,500 television commercials on local and cable networks, in both English and Spanish. These commercials will be seen on all major network affiliates and many cable outlets. The list includes: KIII (ABC), KRIS (NBC), KZTV (CBS), KORO (Univision) and Time Warner Cable Media.

The commercials lead viewers to the interactive CatholicsComeHome.org web sites, found at www.catholicscomehome.org and www.catolicosregresen.org According to Catholics Come Home’s president and founder, Tom Peterson, “The web site provides answers to questions about Church teachings, and why strong faith in God is important in today’s busy and confusing world. The site also offers an overview of the faith, with additional resources and a local parish finder.” When these ads aired in the Diocese of Phoenix, nearly 6,500 inactive Catholics and potential converts found their way home to the Catholic Church. Most returnees say they didn’t have a reason for leaving. About 90% say that they just drifted away due to distractions in life. Those who returned found it easy and comforting, and say that they are glad to be “home.”

CatholicsComeHome.org is partnering with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi on this welcoming initiative. With the assistance of pastors and catechetical leaders, the diocese hopes to leverage existing programs other resources to help parishes respond to those who seek to return to the Catholic faith. The Most Rev. Edmond Carmody, Bishop of Corpus Christi, has fully endorsed the efforts of this new initiative.

“Many people have unfortunately been overwhelmed by a busy culture. We need to let them know that they are missed, welcome them back, and show them that the Catholic Church is their home, their extended family,” noted Peterson. “Catholics Come Home.org (and CatolicosRegresen.org) invite people searching for meaning in their lives, to learn more about their family in faith: a Church filled with beauty, miracles, heroes, history, love, and peace. Catholics Come Home hopes that web visitors will not shy away from a careful examination of the Biblical and historical facts presented, and that people will sincerely consider that there may be much more to the case for Jesus Christ and Catholicism than they may have ever realized.”

Catholics Come Home.org in an independent non-profit charity, started by a number of Catholic families and individuals, and is not directly affiliated with, nor funded by the Diocese of Corpus Christi or the Vatican. Some of its founders and supporters recently returned to the Catholic faith and want to share their positive experiences with others. Many never left the Church, but recently grew to understand and appreciate their Catholic faith more deeply. All feel part of a big Catholic family, who sincerely hope others will also find more peace, real answers, and true happiness through the gift of faith.

The Catholic faith is the largest single Christian family in the United States (and the world), accounting for 25% of the U.S. population, and a growth rate of 11% in the past decade. The Catholic Church continues to be a vibrant and growing family, but misses those members who have not been to Mass lately.

Sixteen other Archdiocese and Diocese across the United States have plans to launch CatholicComeHome.org television and web campaigns in 2009.

5 Minute Daily Lenten Devotions

As part of her prayer chapel blog, Catholic recording artist, author and blogger Susan Bailey has released “Lenten Devotions for Busy People,” a blog containing a daily podcast, a weekly Friday video on the Stations of the Cross, music and reflections. The blog can be found at www.prayerchapel.info.

What makes this blog different? The vast majority of devotions lasts no more than 5-7 minutes, making it a perfect place to pause for busy people. It also explores Lent from the Eastern Catholic perspective.

The idea for the blog came to Susan because of a little-known podcast she heard back in 2006. “I first discovered podcasting during Lent in 2006, and I found this wonderful podcast called “Theosis,” hosted by Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, T.O.R., a history professor at Franciscan University. This little 5 minute per day podcast transformed my Lent.”

“Theosis” is based on the Eastern Church’s tradition of Lent (known to them as Great Lent). The Eastern Catholic Church, which is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, has 14 liturgical traditions (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Catholic_Churches for a complete list) including Melkite and Maronite. Susan was initially interested in “Theosis” because her husband is studying to be a deacon in the Melkite Church.

Pope John Paul II was keenly aware of the Eastern Church and its beautiful traditions and repeatedly challenged the Church as a whole to “breathe with both lungs,” bringing together the West and the East. Fr. Beshoner does a wonderful job of explaining Eastern traditions for Western listeners.

“Lenten Devotions for Busy People” also includes a weekly 5 minute video on the Stations of the Cross, posted each Friday.

Music, other reflections and future surprises will be included.

For more information on the blog, visit www.prayerchapel.info. You can listen to Fr. Seraphim Beshoner’s other podcast, “Catholic: Under the Hood” at www.sqpn.com.

Vocation Discernment DVD to Launch in March

A strong partnership between Catholic Vocations Ministry Australia and Choicez Media – Australia’s largest Catholic media provider, will see the Bishop of Maitland - Newcastle, Bishop Michael Malone, launch a major new vocations DVD initiative in Sydney on March 5.

Entitled, Holding Nothing Back the project is a comprehensive and ultra-modern twodisc package including a documentary style film and seven in-depth interviews with religious and priests from across the nation. Filmed on location during and after World Youth Day, the interviews explore the lives and journeys of some fascinating Australian men and women who have chosen to give all in their radical response to Christ’s invitation to follow Him.

From the stories of a former professional tennis player to builders and hospitality workers the interviews are designed to help young people gain a better understanding of the call to vocation through the stories of those who have wrestled with the very meaning of their existence and the call to serve others in religious life. The short film provides a powerful exploration of the very essence of vocation through narrative and symbolic elements using a top-level production and creative team.

Bishop Malone, commenting on his first review of the program stated, “For the first time I have seen something in the Vocation area which is a balance of wise counsel, best practice and pastoral sensitivity…able to capture the essence of Vocation discernment in provocative and excellent images…well done!”

Choicez Media National Director, Jonathan Doyle states, “Our whole team felt such a sense of privilege to be involved with such an important project with a message we were convinced young people needed to have the chance to hear.”

John Paul II Formulated a "Theology of Communication"

During the launch of a new book from Vatican publisher Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) today, retired papal theologian Georges Marie Martin Cardinal Cottier, OP, and others asserted that during the course of his 26-year pontificate, John Paul II developed a “theology of communication.”

Joined by renowned journalist Joanna Bogle, educator Sr. Marie Gannon, FMA, and author Dr. Christine A. Mugridge at the official release of Dr. Mugridge and Prof. Gannon’s John Paul II: Development of a Theology of Communications, Cardinal Cottier and the others discussed how this pedagogy had the potential to impact not only ecclesial communications but communications in the media and beyond. The participants agreed that while the seeds of such a theology have always existed throughout Church history, its development only began to bear fruit during Pope John Paul II’s pontificate.

All also concurred that as the world becomes ever more secularized, expanding this development will be crucial if the Church is to succeed in its mission of evangelization.
Cardinal Cottier noted that when it came to communication in any form, the late Holy Father was always very concerned to acknowledge the role of Jesus Christ, Who was not only the creator of words but was Himself the Word.

In her presentation, Mrs. Bogle noted how communication is “a gift from God” in that it is words that “somehow get us to God.”

“For Catholics, word and action, Scripture and sacrament, go together,” she said, “and in a sense one flows from the other.” While she lamented the decline in all forms of communication, and admitted that even the Church has not been immune from its effects, “the Church still holds out to us the exciting recognition that we haven’t yet fulfilled – or even begun to fulfill – all of mankind’s great potential for creativity, wisdom, and beauty” in this regard. And this is precisely because that potential is ultimately born out of Christ, Who “is brought to the world again and again” as the Word made flesh.

“There is indeed a theology of communication,” she concluded, and “I am not sure we have really grasped its fullness yet.”

Dr. Mugridge concurred and noted that the late Pontiff was very keen to emphasize that there was a difference between a study of theology and communications versus a theology of communications. She also explained how, while the Pope never called it such, a theology of communications clearly did develop over the course of his pontificate.

Prof. Gannon observed how she particularly appreciated Pope Wojty³a’s work in this area because it drew on both secular communications as well as the Church’s Magisterium before, during, and after the Second Vatican Council. “This was possible,” she said, “because parallel criteria for principles and methodology in both the ecclesial and the secular field were used for the analysis of material from both fields that are apropos for speaking of a theology of communication.”

The round table was moderated by Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) Director Don Giuseppe Costa, SDB, and took place at the offices of Vatican Radio.

It was announced at the event that Catholic Word, an American consortium of over a dozen publishers such as Ignatius Press and Ascension Press, will distribute John Paul II: Development of a Theology of Communications in the English-speaking world. This is the first work distributed by Catholic Word on behalf of LEV.

Catholic Word President Carolyn Klika expressed the great hope this new teaching holds for the entire Church. “The Theology of Communication can assist every bishop and parish priest in more effectively reaching his faithful, every teacher in connecting with students, every media outlet in conveying their message, and even impact every human relationship. We are grateful for the opportunity to make this timely and critical title available to the English-speaking world.”

Bishops’ For Your Marriage Website Offers Ideas for ‘Cheap’ Dates

With tough economic conditions impacting families, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) "For Your Marriage" Web site offers ten suggestions for romantic, low-cost dates. From planning an indoor "picnic" to "midnight bowling," the ideas can inspire couples to be creative date planners.

"We came up with these low-cost ideas for time together as well as some articles that focus on family finances, which is a leading cause of marital stress," said Sheila Garcia, associate director of the USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, and lead staff for the project.

The "For Your Marriage" Website, located at www.foryourmarriage.org, stands as a key component of the USCCB's multi-year effort to promote the value of married life. The site was launched in June 2007 and now sports a new look and content. The page also is available on the social networking sites Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the bookmark site, Delicious.

"The new home page has a clean, uncluttered look with photos and headlines that point to the newest content," Garcia said. "We're also using some of the new social media Web sites that are popular ways that people connect."

The updated Website also includes a "toolkit" for Webmasters and others who want to spread the word about resources on www.foryourmarriage.org. The toolkit contains animated banner ads using Adobe Flash programming that automatically updates the ads with new content from the Web site. There are also static ads for other applications.

Another new campaign element are billboards now seen across the country in space donated by outdoor ad companies.

"They're in several major markets including Baltimore, Charleston, Chicago, Miami, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and San Antonio," said Patricia Ryan Garcia, assistant director of the USCCB's Digital Media Office.

Radio and television public service ads also are part of the marriage campaign. The third and newest set of messages was released in December and invites viewers and listeners to visit the Web site.

To date, Nielsen Media Research reports that six "For Your Marriage" TV messages have been broadcast a total of 38,300 times. Mediaguide reports that the seven radio messages aired a total of 155,000 times.

The entire "For Your Marriage" project was made possible through a grant from the Catholic Communication Campaign.

Internet pornography workshop helps seminarians become better ministers

The statistics are staggering: U.S. adults spend more than $3,000 per second on Internet pornography; 25 million U.S. adults spend 1-10 hours per week engaged with Internet pornography; 10 percent of U.S. adults admit to an Internet sex addiction.

Addiction to Internet pornography is so pervasive that seminaries are searching for ways to provide future priests with the tools to aid those struggling with the addiction.

Achieving this goal was brought one step closer as almost 100 formation directors and seminarians gathered at St. Paul’s College in Washington, D.C., Jan. 18 for a workshop titled, “Caught in the Web: Internet Pornography Addiction and Resources for Healing.”

“The more we know, the more compassionate we can be when people come to us with these issues,” said seminar leader Kathleen Gallaher, Ph.D. “There are moral and religious issues regarding the use of money that goes into Internet pornography and the amount of time spent on it. … It can stack up to years of a person’s life and destroy relationships.”

Internet pornography goes far beyond the inquisitive adolescent male getting his first glimpse of a racy magazine, Ms. Gallaher said.

“The level of hard core exposure at such a young age without someone to process it with can really affect that person into adulthood,” she said.

Internet pornography is so compelling, said Ms. Gallaher, because of the anonymity (you don’t have to show yourself at a public place to obtain it), the accessibility (the Internet does not close), and the affordability (some sites are even free), and the instant gratification.

“You never get to the end of the Internet like you do a magazine,” she said. “There is no natural stopping point.”

Some of the tools Ms. Gallaher suggested to help those struggling with Internet sex addiction include:

• Using e-mail accounts with effective spam blockers (such as Yahoo)
• Installing filtering and tracking software
• Placing the computer in a public are in the home
• Placing a photo of a loved one near the computer
• Try an Internet fast: only log on when there is a specific goal to achieve
• Create a “first aid kit” for when you are struggling with your addiction: people to call who know your struggle; a list of 10 things you hate about being addicted to Internet porn; a favorite poem
• Keep a list of online and other resources for recovery to sex addiction, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous (sexaa.org).

Father Dave Pivonka, T.O.R., brought 10 seminarians to the workshop because “they are going to be in ministry where people are struggling” with Internet sex addiction.

“The exposure to the issue and the tools to help others will help them be more effective ministers,” he said. “The issue is all pervasive. Someone they encounter will be affected by it.”

* Statistics gathered from MSNBC.com, toptenreview.com and alexa.com.

New CatholicTV Show: Dynamics of the Local Parish

Starting in March, CatholicTV will air a new television series called “parishFamily” which looks at the local parish. Father Robert Reed, who co-hosts the show says that, “On a very basic level, a parish is a family. It’s a family of families. If you are Catholic, then you belong to a parish, either by active participation or by geography.”

CatholicTV, is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

“parishFamily” is about the culture that exists in a parish and how Catholics must work to build a bright Catholic future. Dr. Melanie Morey and Father Reed spend some time sitting in the pews and discussing the parish as the place where Catholic culture is nurtured, sustained and transmitted.

“parishFamily” is hosted by Dr. Melanie Morey and Fr. Robert Reed. Dr. Morey has worked for thirty-five years in the areas of education and administration. Her main areas of expertise are Catholic culture, leadership, institutional identity, and governance. Dr. Morey is the co-founder of Substantially Catholic Summer Seminars Integrating the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and co-author of the book, Renewing Parish Culture: Building for a Catholic Future. Fr. Robert Reed was once a Pastor of a parish and understands very well the challenges of managing a parish.

Topics discussed on the show include: Mass attendance, reconciliation, religious education of children, the priest shortage and pastors, lay leadership, finances, and politics.

“parishFamily” will begin airing in March at the following times (EST). Monday-8PM; Tuesday- 11AM; Wednesday- 4AM; Thursday- 12:30PM & 9PM; Saturday- 3:30PM; Sunday 4:00AM.

The show is viewable on CatholicTV where available and is also streamed live (simultaneously) at www.CatholicTV.com. The show will also be offered in the archives and will be viewable full-screen now for free. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation.

Aaron Thompson CD released: "10,000 Angels"

Musical artist, husband, and father Aaron Thompson has released his newest recording “10,000 Angels” with World Library Publications (www.wlpmusic.com). This project has been long in the making as Aaron has reflected over the years as a church music director, composer, and family man, mixing the complexities of ministry and family life.

As a music minister, Thompson has personally witnessed the power of music in the lives of spiritual seekers working through concepts of redemption and mercy, humility and courage. He hopes that this new CD will reach out especially to all those who have wandered away from the Church and wish to find a way home. His heartfelt themes and upbeat praise tunes all point to the glory of God and the warmth of forgiveness, healing, and redemption that God offers.

As an African-American father of four, ages 15, 9, 4, and 3, Aaron has been inspired by his experiences of raising children with his wife Marian in this age of media, fast-paced lifestyles, soccer, and Barbie dolls. “Juggling work in the Church and family responsibilities is a challenge,” says Aaron “…and I can really relate to what families are dealing with in their lives.” He wrote a special song for his daughter titled “Wings” that will bring a tear to the eye of every daddy who has experienced the joy of his little girl. He hopes that his music will bring families together to celebrate the goodness of God in their lives.

Aaron grew up in Glencoe,Illinois, as a member of the few black families living in the area. His father was a lawyer and his mother a teacher. His early Catholic formation was at Sacred Heart Church where his mom also sang in the choir. He excelled in music as a trumpet player and was granted a full performance scholarship at Northern Arizona University. He lived in Phoenix directing parish music ministry for several years and recently moved to Madison,WI, to work as the Director of Music at St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.

Aaron’s music is published by World Library Publications and is found in hymnals across the country. This new CD also includes some of his top pieces including, “Rise Up in Splendor,” “Blessed One,” and “Tree of Life.” Aaron also does a stupendous cover of “Indescribable” written by Chris Tomlin.

10,000 Angels,WLP product #008163, ISBN #978-158459-4246 is now available through World Library Publications (www.wlpmusic.com) or call toll-free at 1.800.566.6150. Soundclips are available on the product page. In digital format, it can be downloaded from iTunes, Amazon, eMusic, and several other digital stores. The CD is also available to the trade through Ingram/Spring Arbor Distributors.

Boston College Places Crucifixes and Icons in Classrooms

Students and faculty returned to Boston College (BC), a Jesuit Catholic institution, for the Spring 2009 semester to find that crucifixes and icons had been placed in many classrooms that had been long bereft of sacred art. This move, which helps strengthen the university’s Catholic identity, came by direct request of President Rev. William P. Leahy, S.J., according to a campus newspaper editor.

“Bravo for Boston College!” said Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society. “For Catholics, outward signs, symbols and practices of our faith are an important part of relating to God in a material world.”

Over Christmas break, Father Leahy had employees hang the images in classrooms around campus, according to Donato Infante, executive editor of The Observer at Boston College. He told The Cardinal Newman Society that during a “State of the Heights” address two weeks ago, Father Leahy, responding to faculty and student complaints about the move, asserted that the administration did not need to consult professors about this decision and that the crucifixes and icons will not be taken back down.

Crucifixes and sacred art have had a scattered presence on campus since the 1970s. Two years ago, a new statue of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), was erected on campus.

Now with the addition of several crucifixes and icons, many are reacting strongly. The Observer reports that some professors and students were upset by the administration’s action, with at least one professor “refusing to teach in classrooms adorned by a crucifix even if he should have to move his class to a different room at his own expense.”

Professors have cited examples of even Christian students taking offense to the crucifixes and icons.

The Observer quotes the BC chemistry chairperson on the placing of the crucifixes, “I can hardly imagine a more effective way to denigrate the faculty of an educational institution. If that has been the purpose of the administration of Boston College, I congratulate them, as they have succeeded brilliantly.”

Reilly said that Father Leahy should ignore naysayers. “By what logic would someone expect a Catholic college or university to be non-Catholic?” Reilly asked. “The complaints are a sad consequence of the mixed signals from Boston College over several years. At times Catholic teaching and tradition are celebrated, other times they are scorned and undermined. But the crucifixes are a very happy movement forward!”

Others are pleased with the new classroom additions. “Some classrooms always had crucifixes in them,” Infante said. “I always found it nice to be able to look up at our Lord during class and to take moments during the day to call to mind God's presence. Now, at the request of our president, Father Leahy, we have such reminders in every room…. Father Leahy, please keep the beauty coming.”

“As for the… professors who are opposed, I ask them to understand what these symbols mean to us,” continued Infante. “The hanging of the sacred art had nothing to do with asserting power. It had everything to do with honoring our God and being constantly reminded of His love.”

The Observer quotes sophomore student Billy Cody arguing that having a crucifix or icon in the classroom “fits perfectly with the Jesuit motto ‘Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam’ (For the Greater Glory of God) because its presence reminds us that even in the classroom, we act for His greater glory.”

Junior student Michael Williams said, “Although seemingly a small gesture, rest assured that these symbols give great joy and confidence to me and many of my friends for the direction the school is taking as becoming, as Father Leahy has put it, the nation's leading Catholic university.”

Promoting Catholic Education on Capitol Hill

Leaders from the National Catholic Educational Association join the principal, assistant principal and students from Corpus Christi School, Falls Church, Va., on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. The group posed prior to the students heading out to deliver background information on Catholic schools to the 60 members of the Senate and House education committees.

Pictured with the students are NCEA staffers Brother Robert Bimonte, FSC, executive director, Elementary Schools Department; Daniel Curtin, executive director, Chief Administrators of Catholic Education Department; Dr. Regina Haney, executive director, Boards and Councils Department; Kathy Schmitt, Communications Office and Mike Conroy, Secondary Schools Department;.

Leaders from Corpus Christi School in the diocese of Arlington included George Chiplock, principal and Kurt Kaufmann, assistant principal. The eight students are all members of the 8th grade class.

The group was filling in for the almost 100 students and teachers who had been scheduled to meet with congressional leaders on January 28, the official National Appreciation Day For Catholic Schools. That event was cancelled for the first time in its history due to a snow and ice storm that shuttered Washington area schools for two days. “While we were unable to reschedule the event due to congressional schedules, it was vital that congressional leaders on the Senate and House education committees hear from Catholic educators about key issues facing our schools,” said Karen Ristau, NCEA president.

Dr. Ristau and Marie Powell, executive director, Secretariat of Catholic Education, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB), joint sponsors of the event, were pleased that Corpus Christi students were willing to make personal deliveries of the materials.

“Our young ambassadors were able to turn the tables and educate adults today about the challenges as well as the opportunities our schools are facing,” said Mrs. Powell.
Catholic Schools Week was established by NCEA and USCCB to put the spotlight on the contributions made and community service given by Catholic schools to the church and to the country. Catholic Schools Week was held January 25-31, with the theme "Catholic Schools Celebrate Service." It always begins on the last Sunday in January.

National Appreciation Day For Catholic Schools is a day of outreach to community and government leaders, and is usually held on Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week. On January 28, at the state and city levels, dozens of Catholic educators from around the country met with local civic representatives to present information about area the Catholic school network.

NCEA is the largest private, professional education association in the world. Founded in 1904, the Association's membership represents more than 200,000 educators serving 7.6 million students at all levels of Catholic education. USCCB is the national public policy organization of the bishops in the United States.

Come What May on DVD March 17

Hollywood, brace yourself again.

The burgeoning trend of small Christian films making large impact continues with COME WHAT MAY www.comewhatmaythemovie.com, a smart new story from Advent Film Group, made with the help of some 40 home schoolers and Patrick Henry College (PHC) in Virginia. COME WHAT MAY releases nationally on DVD on March 17 distributed by Provident Integrity Distribution.

While training a new generation of filmmakers, Advent has also broken marketing ground with its “virtual theatrical release” on GodTube, drawing 3.5 million viewers during the recent presidential election. Advent produces on the “Sherwood” model of extensive volunteer help, donated locations, learn-as-you-go filmmaking, high standards, and considerable “prayer coverage.” Sherwood Pictures is the Georgia-based church whose 2008 Fireproof, produced for $500,000, earned $33 million at the box office, and was the year’s top-grossing independent film.

Close to the 36th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, COME WHAT MAY is Paperchase meets Facing the Giants; a love story and courtroom thriller turning on a counterargument the filmmakers believe may one day overturn the Court’s decision.

PHC students and faculty helped develop the story and polish the script. Manny Edwards wrote the first draft and worked on all subsequent drafts—as did David Hallbrook, Pulitzer Prize nominee and PHC director of communications. Dr. Michael Farris, a constitutional attorney, founder and chancellor of PHC, wrote the legal brief for overturning Roe.

Matthew Staver, dean of Liberty University Law School and a close friend of Dr. Farris, gave permission to film COME WHAT MAY at Liberty’s new replica of the U.S. Supreme Court.

A core team of 40 home-schooled students from 16 states worked on the movie, tapping into speech and debate clubs for home schoolers, in particular the NCFCA (National Christian Forensics & Communications Association) league (www.ncfca.org). “That’s our ‘secret sauce,’” Escobar said. “The NCFCA is the third-largest speech and debate league in the country, created exclusively by and for high school home schoolers. Graduates from NCFCA dominate college debate tournaments.”

COME WHAT MAY won the Redemptive Storyteller Award, at an international festival. Several COME WHAT MAY crew members have won prestigious awards for their own films following their AFG internship. And new opportunities abound: “We’re already considering new projects,” Escobar said.

Nashville-based Provident Films, specializing in grassroots marketing, is a division of Provident Music Group and designed to produce and distribute faith-based films. Provident Music Group, a division of Sony Music Entertainment, is one of the world’s leading Christian entertainment companies. Provident Music Group operates under the umbrella of Sony Music Nashville and comprises Provident Label Group, Provident Films (designed to produce and distribute faith-based films), Essential Music Publishing and Provident-Integrity Distribution.

Divine Mercy Prayer Book

source: www.discerninghearts.com

In response to the increasing devotion to Divine Mercy, the Apostolate for Family Consecration presents their new book, "Drawing Down Divine Mercy."

Designed as both a consecration prayer book and an in-depth meditation book, families can be guided in the richness of God's Mercy during these difficult times through 40 days of meditations on Pope John Paul II's encyclical, "Rich in Mercy." Pope John Paul II spoke often of the strength of Divine Mercy. He established the Feast of Mercy on the Sunday after Easter, now known as Divine Mercy Sunday in the liturgical calendar, to show the trust he placed in this devotion.

In 2001, John Paul II said in his Divine Mercy Sunday homily, "a simple act of abandonment is enough to overcome the barriers of darkness and sorrow, of doubt and desperation. The rays of Your Divine Mercy restore hope, in a special way, to those who feel overwhelmed by the burden of sin." Following the 40-day meditations, readers will benefit from excerpts from St. Faustina's writings, and spiritual classics by Cardinal Francis Arinze such as "Alone with God" and "Divine Providence", Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's work, "Light, Salt, and Leaven," along with St. Louis de Montfort's "Friends of the Cross".

All five dimensions of the Divine Mercy devotion are explained: the image, the Chaplet, the Novena, the Feast Day, and the spreading of the message. The prayer book also includes more than 250 pictures. For even deeper spiritual growth, accompanying video and audio commentaries by Fr. George Kosicki, CSB are also available through the Family Apostolate.

"Drawing Down Divine Mercy" is an excellent way to prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday. Meditations start March 11 (two week after Ash Wednesday) and will end on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19. Books will be available for shipment starting March 2, but advance orders are now being accepted. To help celebrate on the actual feast day, check out the additional resources at familyland.org.

Founded in 1975 by Jerry Coniker and late wife Gwen, the Apostolate for Family Consecration is a pontifically approved association striving to consecrate families to the Holy Family and in the truths of our faith in the spirit of Pope John Paul II. The Family Apostolate reaches families in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North and South America through its Consecration in Truth Catechetical Series (familycatechism.com), its Internet Media Library, its 24-hour Familyland Television Network and its programs at Catholic Familyland.

Audio Bible Ministry Expands Missions Outreach

Faith Comes By Hearing, the world’s foremost Audio Bible ministry, recently released nine more Audio Drama New Testament recordings.

The following Audio Drama New Testaments are the first of many that will be recorded and released during 2009:

• Lokpa (Lukpa) – Benin
• Tampulma – Ghana
• Idoma – Nigeria
• Marghi – Nigeria
• Nahuatl Huasteca Central – Mexico
• Nahuatl Huasteca Western – Mexico
• Quechua Northern Conchucos – Peru
• Khmer Central - Cambodia
• Arabic Standard – Worldwide

These new Audio Bibles are recorded in the heart languages, or primary languages, of 216 million people. Altogether, Faith Comes By Hearing now has 403 Audio Scripture recordings available in 341 languages.

Indigenous missionaries, local church leaders and ministry workers will take these Audio Drama New Testaments into villages and communities around the world and begin listening groups. Villagers in groups from 10 to 300 will gather to listen to the Word and then discuss what they've heard.

Faith Comes By Hearing is diligently working to fulfill the Great Commission by bringing the Word of God to every nation, tribe and tongue. Research shows that there are 6,809 distinct people groups who make up more than 6.5 billion people.

“For the first time in history, every language group has been identified,” said Morgan Jackson, international director for Faith Comes By Hearing.

“Many of these groups transmit their beliefs, history and values through stories, proverbs, poetry, chants, songs and ceremonies,” said Jackson. “Cultures that primarily communicate their information using these forms are called ‘oral cultures.’”

About 70% of people live and learn in oral cultures.

“People from oral cultures learn differently than you and I do,” he said. “It is not enough to simply take materials created for literate people and read them onto a recorded format. It’s the power of stories that unlocks the Bible for them.”

Many people do not realize that about 70% of the Bible is in a narrative format. Jackson said he’s seen how Audio Bibles impact people firsthand.

“When you go into these villages you see people packed inside these one-room huts and people gathered all around the windows outside. They say, ‘No one wants to miss the stories,’ and they walk for miles to get here,” Jackson said. “When they listen to the Word, they enter into the story; like they are there actually experiencing what’s happening.”

“When Jesus speaks, they feel like He is speaking directly to them. And when they interact with the Word of God this way, people come to know and follow the God of the Bible,” he said.

“There are still language groups that need an Audio Bible in their heart language. There are people who wait to hear God's Word because they cannot read it,” Jackson said.

Faith Comes By Hearing’s goal is to record Audio Bibles in 2,000 languages by 2016, reaching 97% of the world’s population.

In 2008, Faith Comes By Hearing completed and released 86 new Audio Bible recordings, providing nearly one million Audio Bibles throughout the world.

catholicstorefinder.com: Find Local Catholic Stores

It can be frustrating and difficult to find a local Catholic store – sometimes an online search does not come up with desired results. So, in an effort to help alleviate the aggravation this can cause, Aquinas and More has launched the Catholic Store Finder, making it easy and possible to search for Catholic stores near you.

The new site, located at catholicstorefinder.com, contains information for many Catholic stores located in the United States. There is a map to click on so you can find stores in a specific state, or you can search by zip code or store name. This site is still a work in progress, and needs user input to get more accurate and detailed information, so if there is a Catholic store near you that you do not see listed at Catholic Store Finder, please leave a comment at the site so that it can be added.

There are also several countries listed with Catholic stores, but Aquinas and More is hoping that people will help add to the list with other non-US Catholic stores that they know of.

Currently, the profile for any store in the database includes store contact information, a map, and any trade group affiliations, and also notes if the store guarantees the faithfulness of is products to the Magisterium and mentions if the store does not carry Chinese-made products. Eventually, store owners will be able to keep their own information current; at the moment, however, updates should be made through the contact field on the site.

Aquinas and More often gets calls from people wondering if there are any Catholic stores near them. Now there is a quick and easy way for anyone looking for this information to find out where the closest Catholic store can be found. Catholic Store Finder – Your Faith. Locally.

CatholicTV: Daily Mass and Rosary Broadcast

CatholicTV is now broadcasting 55 different episodes of the Rosary from 18 different places across the globe including rosaries filmed in Turkey, Russia, Sacred Heart Basilica on Notre Dame Campus, Los Angeles, and even Rosaries prayed in the snow. They can be viewed at the company’s website full-screen without charge.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

Every day, CatholicTV broadcasts the Rosary. The Rosary is prayed by Father Robert Reed. Father Reed offers brief meditations on the Rosary before he begins with the Sign of the Cross. During the prayers, there are picturesque camera shots of Cathedrals, rivers, and even New England snow.

In addition to the numerous Rosaries, CatholicTV also broadcasts the celebration of the Mass each day. The Daily Mass is offered by a different priest virtually every day. The priest might be a Jesuit, a Franciscan, a Cardinal (such as Sean O’Malley), or even a Bishop (such as Richard Malone from Maine), or any number of other religious or diocesan priests. Each day, different priests offer unique perspectives given their different educational and spiritual backgrounds.

On Sundays, CatholicTV also broadcasts the Mass from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.

All of these Masses and Rosaries are available on CatholicTV. The broadcast is also streamed live on the internet at www.CatholicTV.com. This means that Catholics can enjoy the Mass at airports, coffee shops, libraries, and anywhere else they can bring their laptops and mobile devices.

The Daily Mass is broadcasted Monday through Saturday at 9:30AM (live) and 7:30PM. All times are Eastern Standard. Click here to view now:

Sunday Mass airs at 9:30AM and 7:30PM. Click here to view:

The Mass from Notre Dame Campus airs at 10:00AM (live) each Sunday. Click here to view:
The Rosary airs each day at 10AM, 7PM, and 3AM. Click here to view:

Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun

by William Donohue

Like most Catholics, I know Mother Angelica through EWTN (Eternal World Television Network). Now, thanks to Ray Arroyo's inspiring portrait of her, I know her much better. The subtitle of Mother Angelica accurately reads, The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles. Yes, it is all that and more—it is a gripping tale of a woman who suffered greatly yet always managed to beat the odds.

Born Rita Rizzo, and reared in Canton, Ohio, Mother Angelica experienced poverty, a broken home, maltreatment, multiple physical ailments, jealously, back stabbing, betrayal—she was even shot at—but nothing could stop her determination. It does not exaggerate to say that the object of her determination never had anything to do with her—it always had to do with God.

In her lifetime, Mother established the Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration and gave birth to the Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word and the Sisters of the Eternal Word. She built the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, as well as the largest shortwave network in the world and the world's first Catholic satellite network. Not bad for a high school graduate who had everything going against her.

Her father was abusive, both physically and verbally, and eventually abandoned her (he tried to reconcile with her later in life). It took such a toll on her that she wondered why God would ever subject a little girl to such a miserable family. It also meant that she missed out on what other kids were used to, so much so that one of her cousins would later say of her, "She was an adult all her life. She never had a childhood."

The nuns she met in school were anything but kind. Their opposition to divorce unfortunately led them to oppose the children of divorce, and this was something the young Rita couldn't bear (the priests her mother encountered were just as condemning). Some family members were just as cruel, including an uncle who verbally beat up on her mother so badly that Rita literally threw a knife at him.

Yet there were miracles. There was the time when, at age eleven, she was crossing a street only to see two headlights staring her right in the face. She thought she was dead. Incredibly, she was able to jump high enough that she avoided being hit. The driver called it "a miracle," while Rita and her mother dubbed it a graceful "lifting."

Her stomach ailments were so bad that she was forced to wear a corset. The doctors tried to help, but to little avail. Then she met a stigmatic, Rhoda Wise, and that's when things began to change. One day, when she was 20, a voice told her to get up and walk without the corset, and she did just that. Immediately, her suffering was relieved. Her doctor, of course, insisted it had to with his treatments, but Rita knew better.

Her mother wasn't too happy when she learned that Rita had decided to enter a Cleveland monastery. After all, she had first been abandoned by her husband, and now her daughter was leaving her as well. But in time she would come to accept it. As for Rita, her failing knees (and the five stories of steps she had to traverse at the monastery), led to her being dispatched back home to Canton.

After nine years in the cloister, Sister Angelica took her solemn vows. Her legs and her back were so twisted she could hardly walk (she wore a body cast), leading her to beg God to allow her to walk again in exchange for a promise: she would build a monastery in the South. What she wanted was a "Negro apostolate," a cloistered community in service to poor blacks. After undergoing spinal surgery, and after being rebuffed initially by her bishop, she got her way; approval was given to build a monastery in Birmingham. Then came to the hard part—coming up with the bucks to pay for it.

In 1959, the year before she became Mother Angelica, she spotted an ad in a magazine for fishing lure parts. She decided that the nuns would go into the fishing-lure business, thus was St. Peter's Fishing Lures born. In 1961, Sports Illustrated honored her with a plaque for her "special contribution to a sport." Remarkably, this half-crippled nun with no business experience was able to garner national attention for her entrepreneurial acumen. It was just the beginning.

Building a monastery in the South in the early 1960s, especially one that would service African Americans, was not exactly a popular enterprise. It didn't take long before local opposition mounted, even to the point of violence: Mother Angelica was shot at one night by one of the protesters (he barely missed).

Amidst what seemed like eternal struggles to keep the revenue coming, Mother started the Li'l Ole Peanut Company. Score another hit: By the end of 1968, she paid off all the monastery debt. Over the next decade, she would write books and give talks, managing to walk with an artificial hip.

In 1978, her life was forever altered when she was introduced to a TV studio in Chicago. Instantly, she got the bug: she had to have one of her own. Then came the first of many disappointments dealing with the bishops. When she contacted them about a Catholic TV show, none replied. Undeterred, she secured funding from New York philanthropist Peter Grace, and in 1981 got a young lawyer and Catholic deacon, Bill Steltemeier, to craft a civil corporation called the Eternal Word Television Network. Bill would remain a loyal and talented ally throughout the tumultuous times to come.

When word reached Rome that a cloistered abbess was traveling the country in pursuit of her broadcasting dream, she ran into trouble with both American bishops and Vatican officials. But thanks to Cardinal Silvio Oddi, head of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy, she prevailed.

It was never easy. Every time Mother Angelica thought she was in the clear, another bishop would raise objections to her venture. Indeed, the bishops tried to outdo her by launching their own effort, the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA). It was clear from the beginning that Mother Angelica was seen as a threat: EWTN had a traditional orientation and CTNA took a modernist stance. EWTN won. CTNA collapsed.

It was not easy for the bishops to watch their own creation flounder while EWTN won the admiration of Pope John Paul II. Adding to their chagrin was their inability to get Mother Angelica to switch to a new interfaith satellite network. As to her own operations, Mother Angelica did not take kindly to those clerics who questioned her authority to showcase some bishops, but not others. "I happen to own the network," she instructed. When told that this would not be forever, she let loose: "I'll blow the damn thing up before you get your hands on it."

In 1989, a report by the bishops complained that EWTN rejected "one out of every three programs submitted by the bishops conference." The bishops and Mother Angelica were clearly on a collision course: she had no tolerance for the theological dissidence that was tolerated by many bishops and their staff. The last straw came when the bishops conference sent a show to be aired featuring a cleric promising female ordination under the next pope.

The dissent, whether voiced by the Catholic Theological Society of America, or by feminist nuns who favored gender-neutral language in the Catholic Catechism, distressed Mother badly. She even had to endure being lobbied to push for "inclusive" language in the Catechism by the likes of "conservatives" such as Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston. That he failed should surprise no one.

Mother was more than distressed—she was angered beyond belief—when a woman portrayed Jesus doing the Stations of the Cross at World Youth Day in Denver, 1993. "Try it with Martin Luther King," she said on the air. "Put a white woman in his place and see what happens."

She was not prepared for what happened next. The reaction of leading bishops to her outburst was swift and vocal. Archbishop Rembert Weakland, who like Law would later be forced to resign in disgrace, blasted her for what he labeled "one of the most disgraceful, un-Christian, offensive, and divisive diatribes I have ever heard." He had nothing to say about the incident that provoked her.

The bishops weren't finished with her. In retaliation, they recalled priests who had been assigned to work at EWTN, and attempts were made to get EWTN thrown off diocesan TV channels around the country.

Just when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, Mother Angelica and Roger Cardinal Mahony locked horns. In 1997, she accused the Los Angeles archbishop of questioning the Real Presence: "In fact," she said, "the cardinal of California is teaching that it's bread and wine before the Eucharist and after the Eucharist." She added that she would not obey an Ordinary like him if she lived there, and hoped that those who did would no longer provide him with their assent.

That was it. Mahony exploded. But while demanding that Rome punish Mother Angelica—and this went on for years—Mahony's archdiocese was home to "a cavalcade of dissenters and anti-Vatican agitators." This is the stuff that drives orthodox Catholics mad.

While she survived in the end, Mother Angelica had to ward off attempts by the bishops to take control of EWTN (one archbishop allegedly told her that certain bishops "want to destroy you"). To make sure this would never happen, Mother Angelica resigned from the network in order to save it: the bishops would have no lien on a purely autonomous, lay-run, civil entity.

Twenty years ago, Ben Armstrong of the National Religious Broadcasters aptly dubbed her, "the Bishop Fulton Sheen of this generation." Cardinal J. Francis Stafford was also right when he observed that "Mother Angelica represented the plain Catholic, who is 90 percent of the Church." Let it also be said that she overcame all kinds of adversity, and she did it all—and continues to do it all—for Jesus.

from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

CatholicTV: "The World I Know" and Human Virtue

Starting in February, CatholicTV will air a new series called “The World I Know.” The series teaches virtues such as faith, hope, and kindness with a particular focus on young people. The series is unique because it stars real people in real-world situations.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

“The World I Know” shows faith in action from a personal, practical perspective. Each half-hour episode has three segments that present virtues in action in the school community, personal life, and in the lives of the saints among us. Shows are hosted by Salt & Light producer Mary Rose Bacani. The series teaches the virtues of fairness, conscience, faith, empathy, kindness, hope, self-control, acceptance, respect, and love.

Starting in February, “The World I Know”, will be aired on CatholicTV where available and is also streamed live (simultaneously) at www.CatholicTV.com full-screen and free of charge. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation operating under the auspices of Cardinal Sean O’Malley.

The weekly schedule for “The World I Know” starting in February will be as follows: (Eastern Standard Time). Tuesday- 12:30PM; Friday- 8AM; Saturday 1:00AM; Sunday- 10:00PM

Catholic Charities on Poverty and Racism

Catholic Charities USA will launch a national website to engage persons of faith in the discussion of its groundbreaking document, “Poverty and Racism: Overlapping Threats to the Common Good” on Monday, January 19, the national holiday honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The website will provide a focus, format and structure for faith-based groups to connect the legacy of the faith of Dr. King with the appeal of President Elect Barack Obama to engage faith in God and faith in our fellow Americans to form “a more perfect union.” The website www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/povertyandracism/epluribusunum, is open to the public and Catholic Charities USA invites America to join them in this essential dialogue.

“A year ago we promulgated our race and poverty paper in Detroit, Michigan at Detroit’s annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament,” comments Rev. Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities USA, in Alexandria, VA. “We are leading this national faith-based conversation by launching this website, E Pluribus Unum. It is CCUSA’s urgent response to fulfill our role in faith-filled citizenship and our advocacy for the poor.”

Rev. Clarence Williams, CPPS, explains that Catholic Charities USA has demonstrated its commitment to persons of all races during its 99 year history. It has called national attention to the intersection of poverty and racism. “Last year we launched the poverty and racism paper in Detroit not knowing the economic crisis would occur. The content of the paper is more timely today than then. We hope to begin healing our racial woundedness through dialogue circles and to lead America in a united resolve to reduce poverty and end racism.” Fr. Williams is the Senior Director of Racial Equality and Diversity Initiatives for the national office of CCUSA.

The E Pluribus Unum website provides a free download of the poverty and racism paper. It also offers the format for the dialogue circles and outlines the roles and responsibilities for participants in dialogue circles. Topics for dialogue sessions are based on the chapters of Poverty and Racism, Overlapping Threats to the Common Good.. Each session begins with a spiritual exercise and proceeds with a focused discussion on the history, sociology and policy insights of poverty and racism.

In April, 2008 CCUSA convened over one hundred sites across the country through a broadcast webcast in a national, interactive, live discussion on poverty and racism. In May the webcast was re-broadcast around the world to English speaking countries as CCUSA’s contribution to Racial Sobriety Month. These national and global broadcasts contributed to the structure and format of the dialogue circles on the web site.

Google God at BustedHalo.com: Young Adult Spiritual Resources

BustedHalo.com, an online resource for young adults seeking to deepen their spirituality, addresses questions encountered while attempting to form an authentic spiritual life. More than googling God, Busted Halo attempts to reveal the spiritual dimension of human life through discussions, stories, reviews, faith guides, and video and audio clips. Sponsored by the Paulist Fathers, BustedHalo.com thus creates a forum that is well balanced and thought provoking. Visit its website to see other services offered by Busted Halo Ministries, including retreats for young adults.

Google God
About Busted Halo

Busted Halo's mission statement (from its website):We live in an age filled with seekers in their twenties and thirties who are desperately trying to find deeper meaning in their lives but whose journey has little to do with traditional religious institutions. BustedHalo.com believes that the experiences of these pilgrims and the questions they ask are inherently spiritual. Based in wisdom from the Catholic tradition, we believe that the joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the people of this age are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of all God’s people. Nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts. BustedHalo.com strives to reveal this spiritual dimension of our lives through feature stories, reviews, interviews, faith guides, commentaries, audio clips, discussions and connections to retreat, worship and service opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else. We are committed to creating a forum that is: open, informed, unexpected, unpredictable, balanced, and thought-provoking. Every time we ask questions about what our lives mean and what keeps us alive, we are talking about something that’s relevant to BustedHalo.com.

EWTN Launches New Pro-Life Site on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

EWTN Global Catholic Network announces the launch of a new pro-life site, which can be found at www.ewtn.com/prolife. Pro-life advocates are welcome to link to this page.

The new site will be updated daily and will include the latest pro-life video and audio segments from EWTN’s many pro-life programs, schedules of upcoming television and radio programs, and highlights from archived programs.

Among the many features of the site are a Pro-Life Forum and a Natural Family Planning Forum where people can post questions about any of the life issues and receive on-line answers. These forums are searchable so people can research answers to questions already posed.

The site also includes relevant papal documents, pro-life news, pro-life links, a pro-life voters’ guide and much more. Check back often as the site will be updated daily and plans call for its continued expansion.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 27th year, is available in over 148 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com and publishing arm, EWTN, is the largest religious media network in the world.

G. K. Chesterton: Daily Quote

The wit and wisdom of G.K. Chesterton, the journalist, author, poet and philosopher, can now be delivered right to your inbox each day for free. A daily Chesterton quote service is being offered by Eternal Revolution, a Christian publisher, along with a collection of G.K. Chesterton quotes and apparel featuring his words of wisdom and foresight.

Visitors can sign up for the the free daily Chesterton quote emails at http://eternal-revolution.com/heroes/gk-chesterton-quotes

Paul Nowak, author of The Way of the Christian Samurai and president of Eternal Revolution, explained that Chesterton's perspective has had a profound influence on him and his work, just as it has on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, Agatha Christie, and Alfred Hitchcock.

"Chesterton is incredibly quotable, and even though much of what he wrote was published 100 years ago, his words are remarkably applicable to today's world," said Nowak. "I have ended up quoting him in every one of my books."

Eternal Revolution is also offering a free downloadable copy of Chesterton's book 'Orthodoxy.'

Eternal Revolution is a company dedicated to providing Christians with reason-based arguments to combat the destructive forces that seek to destroy our culture, society, and our eternal lives. The Eternal Revolution website is Eternal-Revolution.com.

NCEA: Catholic Schools Celebrate Service

As students begin the new semester in Catholic schools around the country, they are being invited to "Celebrate Service" by volunteering in the community or parish. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2009 is “Catholic Schools Celebrate Service.” Millions of students are expected to participate in observance of this annual event, begun in 1974.

Catholicism has a long and rich tradition of direct service to those in need, as well as social justice efforts to end social ills like racism and gender inequality. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy focus on things that each individual believer can do to help others, like feeding the hungry and instructing the ignorant. The Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching focus on solving long-term, systemic problems in society, like homelessness, poverty and violence.

For more about the mission of the National Catholic Education Association, visit the NCEA website.

Fr. Neuhaus Compared to John Cardinal Henry Newman

A new article on the Catholic Business Journal (www.catholicbusinessjournal.biz) compares the profound, expansive work and cultural impact of Father Richard John Neuhaus to that of John Cardinal Henry Newman, the renown English convert and founder of the Oxford Movement in England in the 1800s.

“The cultural influence of Fr. Neuhaus echoes that of the great Cardinal Newman founder of the Oxford Movement in England, another Catholic convert who profoundly influenced culture through his writings, eloquence and holy life, “ writes Karen Walker of the Catholic Business Journal. “Fr. Neuhaus has been a Cardinal Newman of our era. His death is a huge loss for our culture, but his prolific writings are a tremendous legacy and resource for those who recognize the critical importance of including religion in the public square.”

“Father Neuhaus was like the teacher,” says Catholic Business Journal columnist Tom Loarie. “He articulated, very forcefully and clearly, issues that are fundamental to Catholics and he made them clear.

“Many of us are in the trenches, so to speak,” continues Mr. Loarie. “We can go through life, observe, and have a gut feel for things. But someone like Father Neuhaus is so clear, so logical, that he is able to put that gut feeling into words. For years his writings gave a logical structure and framework for things that I’ve observed in my own life, making sense of gut feelings and observations. He will be greatly missed my many of us.”

For more information or to read the Catholic Business Journal article on Father Richard John Neuhaus, go to www.catholicbusinessjournal.biz.

Catholic Google now Cathoogle

CATHOLIC GOOGLE, the highly acclaimed and the world's most popular Catholic Search Engine has just changed it's name to CATHOOGLE.

CATHOOGLE is the Catholic Google search engine striving to provide an easy to use resource to anyone wanting to learn more about Catholicism and provide a safer way for good Catholics to surf the web.

Cathoogle is powered by Google using "safe search" technology, it produces balanced results from all perspectives, from sites all over the Internet with more weighting to given to Catholic websites and sites containing content relating to Catholics and Catholicism. At the same time this search engine eliminates sites and web pages containing adult themed and explicit sexual content from web search results.

The search engine is still located at http://www.CatholicGoogle.comand can also be found at www.Cathoogle.com

Preview New York Times Best Sellers with new Google Gadget.

1962 Missale Romanum Released

Missale Romanum 1962 has been in preparation ever since Pope Benedict XVI released his new motu proprio 'Summorum Pontificum.'

The preferred altar missal amongst the American clergy, being the most user-friendly edition of the Missal for the Traditional Latin Mass, Benziger's classic standard edition is available once again thanks to the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius in Chicago.

This is the only reprinted Altar Missal available in complete conformity with the final revisions made by the Holy See in 1962 to the traditional Roman Missal.

So unlike the other “1962” altar missal being offered in the USA, this edition includes:

* St. Joseph's name in the Canon (added in November 1962),
* the Ad Libitum Prefaces (added in July 1962 and which includes the restored Advent preface),
* the Pro Aliquibus Locis Section specifically arranged for the dioceses of the United States per the 1962 liturgical calendar (added in December 1962)
* and the original imprimatur by Cardinal Francis Spellman.

More information on the Missal can be found at:


The Missals were completed the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 2009.

The 1962 Missale Romanum features a bonded red leather hardcover, gold-embossed, 1,290 pages, and measuring 83/8” x 11¼” and is approximately 2¾” thick.

Our poly-grosgrain colored ribbons finished with bows prevent fraying. The Missal's strong midi-braid leads bridges the ribbons to the spine and protects pages and life of ribbons.

The flexible bonded leather tabs are in red and black. The original quality black and red text are found throughout the Missal. The Missal has sturdy sewn binding and reinforced endsheet construction. It features non-acid missal-quality paper.

The gorgeous gold-gilded page edges are protected by a complimentary slip jacket for proper storage of this worthy investment.

The famed Benziger Brothers were one of America's premier printers to the Apostolic See before the Second Vatican Council. Benzinger Brother's in addition to their book publishing business, began the lithographing of religious pictures.

Their crisp and beautiful chromo-lithograph images in their 1962 Missale Romanum were some of their most superb work.

Now the Benzinger 1962 Missale Romanum is yours again today thanks to the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius and the Cantius Webstore.

Familycatechism.com: Free Access to Catholic Teaching

The Apostolate for Family Consecration is unveiling its Beta version of the www.familycatechism.com in Mexico City, during the 6th World Congress of Families from January 14-18.

Nearly 800 Catholic Bishops will be in attendance, as well one million Catholics from around the globe who focus on means and materials that strengthen Catholic families in their faith.

www.familycatechism.com is the fruit of over 20 years of writing, research, and filming of renowned Catholic teachers and apologists - in both the internet and catechetical worlds, this tool is unprecedented. A generation of labor is now ready to bear fruit on the Internet; anyone can access this tool for free across the entire globe."

Project Spokeswoman, Theresa Schmitz, states:

“This is the first web site of its kind in the world. The answer to every question in the Catholic Catechism is available in English and Spanish. But it is far more than short answers given in a sentence or two…

“The Online-Family Catechism is interactive; providing in-depth answers to the 304 questions of the Apostolate’s Family Catechism from hundreds of sources. Each question can be studied focusing on Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, historic Papal documents, Vatican II documents, and a massive TV library with over 15,000 video commentaries with leading Catholic theologians and experts like Francis Cardinal Arinze, Fr. Pablo Straub, Mother Teresa, Dr. Scott Hahn, and others.

“In addition, there are over 800 Theological Illustrations with captions that inspire meditation and vibrant discussions. The answers are searchable by topic, or by question number as listed in the Family Catechism book.

“The four pillars of the Catholic Catechism - the Creed, the Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer, are brought to life with this ‘living catechism.’ Whether used for family catechesis, school and parish catechesis, or academic research, this resource stands alone as a tool for the anxious parent, the hungry learner, or the casual seeker.

“We invite one and all to experience the beauty and depth of Catholic Truth at www.familycatechism.com.”

"Fireproof": Collector’s Edition DVD

The Special Collector’s Edition DVD of Fireproof, the highest-grossing Christian film after The Passion of Christ, hits stores January 27, 2009. Pre-sales to Christian and Catholic bookstores have begun for what is expected to be this year’s hottest item. Starring Kirk Cameron, Fireproof is the micro-budget movie from Sherwood Pictures in Albany, Georgia, that opened at number 4 in the nation and spent three weeks in the top 10—eight weeks in the top 13. Current box office sales total $31.5 million with the film still playing in 815 theaters this weekend. See www.FireprooftheMovie.com.

Fireproof, a film endorsed by Catholic leadership and organizations like World Wide Marriage Encounter, is the story of a fireman, Caleb Holt (Cameron), who rescues strangers but can’t save his own marriage. The Love Dare, a book/plot device in the movie, also is a book from Fireproof writers, directors, and producers Stephen and Alex Kendrick that has spent four weeks atop a New York Times’ bestseller list.

Now in time for Valentine’s Day and National Marriage Month, Catholic and other Christian bookstores across the nation will premier the exclusive Christian retail version—The Special Collector’s Edition—of “the movie that became a movement.” The DVD contains all bonus material plus 32-minutes of exclusive Christian Booksellers Association-only material: a movie-production video blog, bringing behind-the-scenes to life; “Fun with Mr. Rudolph” (Caleb Holt’s next door neighbor); additional firehouse commentary from Wayne (Caleb’s fellow fire fighter), and the Casting Crowns video of the movie’s hit song, Slow Fade (from the band’s gold-selling album: The Altar and The Door).

Couples, organizations, dioceses, pastors, churches, classes, groups, therapists and ministry leaders are lining up to spread the movie’s strengthening message wrapped in a great story.

“Fireproof is an excellent film that makes marriage commitment real and attainable with Christ’s grace,” says Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, Chairman of the Committee on Marriage and Family for the US Bishops Conference.

Fireproof is the third movie from Sherwood Pictures. Sherwood’s first film, Flywheel, in 2004, has sold 200,000-plus DVDs. Its second, Facing the Giants (2006) earned $10.1 million at the box office and has sold more than 1.6 million DVDs in 58 countries (14 languages). Fireproof also stars an all-volunteer cast of almost all first-time actors. It was co-written by brothers Alex Kendrick (director) and Stephen Kendrick (producer) and produced by a 1,200-member cast and crew.

Fireproof is dubbed in Spanish and has subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Arabic. The movie’s total running time is 1 hour and 58 minutes.

Bonus features on all DVDs (total running time, 1 hour and 18 minutes):
• Deleted scenes
• Fireproof’s Jokes and Pranks
• Fireproof Behind-the-Scenes
• Marriage Matters
• Wayne on Wayne
• Fireproof in 60
• Fireproof Discussion Guide Resources
• The Love Dare promo
• Commentary with Alex and Stephen Kendrick

Bonus features exclusive to CBA audiences (total running time, 32 minutes):
• Production Blog—behind-the-scenes movie-making
• Fun with Mr. Rudolph
• More Firehouse Commentary with Wayne
• Casting Crown’s hit music video Slow Fade

For more information and to download photos, go to: www.Fireproofthemovie.com. If you are interested in receiving a review copy of Fireproof on DVD or booking an interview, please contact Ashley Walker with The Maximus Group at 678-990-9032.

The Maximus Group specializes in connecting purpose-driven organizations and businesses with key media, grassroots and promotional outlets. The Maximus Group is a communications firm dedicated to serving causes, initiatives, apostolates, businesses, personalities, and organizations that have close connections and interest in the Catholic faith.

Nashville-based Provident Films, specializing in grassroots marketing, is a division of Provident Music Group and designed to produce and distribute faith-based films. Sony BMG Music Entertainment’s Provident Music Group is one of the world’s leading Christian music companies. Provident Music Group operates under the umbrella for Sony BMG Nashville.

Catholic Game Show Through Verizon

The Catholic game show “Wow:The CatholicTV Challenge” will be available as a free video-on-demand for Verizon FiOS customers starting the week of Tuesday, January 20th. CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

CatholicTV produces a children’s game show that teaches viewers about the Catholic faith. The show resembles the show Jeopardy!, yet has young contestants just like the show “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” WOW:The CatholicTV Challenge is hosted by Father Robert Reed, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston and the Director of CatholicTV. Now in it’s fourth season, WOW has a new set and format. Contestants are 3rd graders and are asked open-ended questions. Father Reed gives a brief explanation of the answers and occasional commentary. The show erupts with laughter and shouts of “Wow!” when contestants answer questions correctly. Each show has a theme, called a “WUDABOUT” such as “The Sacraments” or “The 10 Commandments”. The winner of each show receives a prize.

Verizon Fios customers simply need to use their remote controls to click on “menu” then “on demand”, and then browse “free” selections in order to view the show.

“Wow!-The CatholicTV Challenge” is viewable on CatholicTV where available each week at the following times (Eastern): 6:30 p.m. Mondays, 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Wednesdays, 1 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Thursdays, 1 p.m. Fridays, 8 p.m. and midnight Saturdays, and 9 a.m. Sundays. The show is also streamed live (simultaneously) at www.CatholicTV.com. Archived episodes are also viewable at the website. Episodes can be seen full-screen and free of charge. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation.

Holy Apostles College Radio Show

Sean Forrest, nationally known Catholic musician, speaker and graduate student at Holy Apostles College, has undertaken a new ministry. Beginning on Sunday, December 14th, and continuing weekly, Sean and his side-kick Louis Merosne will be hosting a radio show called: "The Rock Solid Show". The show airs from 10-11pm and can be heard via a link on Sean’s Movin’ With the Spirit Website at www.mwts.org. Geared toward young adults but really for anyone with questions, the show is a forum for exploring issues relevant to the Catholic faith. Future installments also hope to bring live entertainers and other guest speakers.

For answers to your Catholic questions, please call the show directly (10 pm EST on Sunday) at 1-877-766-3777 or send an email questions@rocksolidshow.com.

The Rock Solid Show: www.rocksolidshow.com
Movin’ With the Spirit official website: www.mwts.org
Haiti 300: www.haiti300.org

USCCB News: Entre Amigos

In response to requests for opinion pieces from the Latino perspective, the USCCB Office of Media Relations will offer “Entre Amigos,” a monthly column with a Latino flavor to run in English and Spanish around the 15th of each month. If you would like to receive this free-of-charge column, please e-mail mmunoz-visoso@usccb.org to be put on the Entre Amigos distribution list. We hope this service benefits not only your Spanish readers but also those interested in looking at Church news and events from a Hispanic perspective.


Father Bob Camuso: CatholicTV Interview

Father Bob Camuso, a priest from Seattle, Washington will appear on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day” on Tuesday, January 6th. Father Bob was once a high-paid advertising executive who left the Catholic Church for over 20 years and has since returned and become a priest.

CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television station headquartered near Boston.

Father Bob was an art director who created million-dollar advertising campaigns for clients of some of the world's largest advertising agencies. He started his career working at Ogilvy & Mather in New York City under legendary advertising man David Ogilvy. Later, he co-founded his own ad agency in Seattle.

Right in the middle of his illustrious career, a friend invited Bob to church and he accepted. He came back to church again even though he felt uncomfortable going. Later, Father Bob was ordained a priest in 1992. In an interview with HeraldNet from Seattle, Father Bob said, “Looking back, I can say this is what I was meant to do, 100 percent."

Father Bob now hosts a radio talk show in addition to his other duties. He will discuss his radio show during his interview on CatholicTV. Paste this link into your browser in order to subscribe to Father Bob’s Podcast http://www.conversationswithfatherbob.com/Podcast.php

Also featured on the show “This is the Day”, will be Sister Marla Marie Lucas, the foundress of a new Maronite order of Sisters, Maronite Servants of Christ the Light (MSCL). Sister Marla will talk about her permission to establish a new community of religious women to serve the Maronite Catholic Church in the United States (estimated 3 million members in U.S.). Maronites are members of one of the Syriac Eastern Catholic Church with a heritage reaching back to Maron in the early 5th century. The Maronite Church is one of many churches which are from Eastern and Western Catholic traditions which are in full communion with the Pope. To learn more about this religious community visit: http://maroniteservants.org

These guests can be seen on Tuesday, January 6th live at 10:30AM on CatholicTV where available (rebroadcast at 8PM). The show will also be streamed live at www.CatholicTV.com and will available in the site’s archives starting Tuesday night.

A Sister’s Amazing Life of Service and Love

Gifted with intelligence, humility, and a heart of gold, Sr. Marie of the Incarnation led an intriguing life as an Army Corps nurse during World War II before entering the convent.

A quiet sister whose death on March 25 at the age of 88 brought her religious community more feelings of gratefulness than sorrow, Sr. Marie led a simple life closed off from the world after entering the Carmelite cloistered community in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Talent seemed to run in her family in that her great uncle was Tom Watson, Alexander Bell’s assistant in the invention of the telephone. Lena Watson, Sr. Marie’s family name before entering the convent, entered the Carmelite Monastery of Mary, Mother of Grace at the age of 28 after a fascinating life of travel and service. As a young woman she attended St. Vincent’s Nursing School in Birmingham, AL, where she received an award for outstanding service as a nurse, which had not been given to anyone for several years.

She also found herself on a new spiritual path. Born a Baptist, she converted to the Catholic faith upon the influence of the religious order of Catholic sisters who taught at the school.

“I realized there was a special Presence in the chapel,” she recalled about the school in a short autobiography written before her death. It was that special presence that carried through her spiritual life at the convent until her death.

Upon joining the Army Nursing Corps in 1942, she served in hospitals in England, and then after the war in Europe, she volunteered for more service as a nurse in the Pacific. Several months after her death, the Community was informed that Sister Marie was eligible to receive four medals for her service as a combat nurse in WWII. These medals will be awarded to her posthumously in a solemn ceremony on February 7, 2009.

After her military service, Sr. Marie studied public health nursing at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. A note in her biography by one of her fellow sisters relates that she “never got a grade below an A,” and was named in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. It was there, while studying the faith under a Carmelite priest, that she first began seriously considering entering the convent.

Her biographer states that when she entered the convent, “her quiet, peaceful manner and beautiful smile endeared her to us at once.”

Recognizing the need for a cook in the community, Sr. Marie requested to take on this task, which she carried out until nearly her death. “Her genuine contemplative spirit, generous heart and self-effacement were leading her constantly deeper into the great mystery of God and the presence of Our Lady,” relates her biographer.

“Sister’s quiet, prayerful demeanor was an inspiration to all in the Community. She gave herself wholeheartedly to any Community need but always maintained her beautiful, recollected manner,” her biographer notes.

The 14-page biography and tribute to Sr. Marie of the Incarnation, complete with photos of her early and later life, is available for a free download at the website of the Lafayette Carmelites at www.lafayettecarmelites.org.

EWTN Launched on Africa’s Faith Satellite Radio

EWTN Global Catholic Network announces the launch of three hours of its programming on Faith Satellite Radio (FSR) in Africa.

This breakthrough has been made possible by FSR and SIGNIS, the World Catholic Association for Communication, which launched a project last year to bring satellite radio to thousands of Catholics in 31 African countries. Thanks to this partnership, WorldSpace Satellite Radio Network’s AfriStar satellite now broadcasts digital-quality audio channels to faith communities in Africa and Europe.

The addition of EWTN’s family and religious programs to the lineup gives African Catholics additional resources to help them grow in their faith and the possibility of listening to Catholic programming 24-hours a day, seven days a week. “We are pleased to be added to Faith Satellite’s service and know our African audience is grateful for this new way to listen to EWTN,” said EWTN President Michael P. Warsaw. To help support this endeavor, FSR has launched an “Adopt a Parish in Africa” campaign which allows parishes outside of Africa to make a small monthly donation to their adopted parish. With this donation, FSR is able to provide adopted parishes with a satellite radio so parishioners can hear Catholic programming around the clock.

Distribution of the satellite radios has already begun. FSR is hoping that at least 17,000 Catholic parishes in 31 African countries will be adopted. For more information, visit www.faithsatelliteradio.com.

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 28th year, is available in over 148 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website www.ewtn.com and publishing arm, EWTN, is the largest religious media network in the world.