“Winning any place in the Purple Dragonfly Contest is a huge honor because in order to maintain the integrity of the Dragonfly Book Awards, a minimum score of 72 out of 80 must be earned for a 1st Place award, 64 out of 80 for a 2nd Place and 56 out of 80 for an Honorable Mention,” explains Linda Radke, president of Five Star Publications, the sponsor of the Dragonfly Book Awards. “Competition is steep, too, because there is no publication date limit as long as the book is still in print.”
In Our Treasure, children learn that there is priceless Treasure waiting for them whenever they want to become very rich. Do you know where “Our Treasure” can be found? The beautiful hardcover keepsake picture book about the Eucharist, published by Joseph Karl Publishing (2010), retails for $16.00 and can be purchased at Joseph Karl Publishing, Amazon.com, Baker & Taylor, Quality Books Inc., and Faith @ Work. For a complete list of winners including all 1st and 2nd places and Honorable Mentions, visit www.FiveStarBookAwards.com and click on “Winners.”
The Chocolate Dragonfly Book Awards contest, which is open to any and all books about or relating in some way to food, is already underway with an August 1 deadline for entries; as is the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards, which honors all genres of books in 50 categories, with a February 1, 2012 deadline. However, Royal Dragonfly submissions postmarked December 1, 2011 or earlier are eligible for the Early Bird reward: a free e-copy of The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing or Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show. The 3rd Annual Purple Dragonfly Book Awards contest will launch following notification of the Chocolate Dragonfly winners.
For complete winners' lists including 2nd Place and Honorable Mention wins, rules and entry forms for any of the Dragonfly Book Awards contests, visit www.FiveStarBookAwards.com. For more details on Five Star Publications, email info@FiveStarPublications.com or call 480-940-8182.
Also by Michele Elena Bondi, Your Personal Apostolate: Accepting and Sharing the Love of God.
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