On Feb. 4, Catholics everywhere are invited to join an unprecedented movement on Twitter and Vine called the Day of the Little Way. Keeping in mind the message of St. Therese of Lisieux, the Day of the Little Way asks Catholics to embrace the New Evangelization by living out the faith in 140 little - but powerful - characters all day long.
The Day of the Little Way was inspired by the late Bishop Patrick Ahern’s forthcoming and, final book, Three Gifts of Therese of Lisieux (Image Books, Feb. 4, 2014). In his book, Bishop Ahern says that St. Therese left the world with three invaluable gifts: her Universal Appeal, her Conviction, and of course, her Little Way. In celebration of the release of his book, the Day of the Little Way is meant to encourage Catholics everywhere to embrace these three gifts in their own lives – starting with their social media accounts.
The Day of the Little Way encourages Catholics to use the hashtag #LittleWay all day long on Twitter and Vine as a way to share their small stories of faith, prayers, quotes, inspiration and encouragement online. By uniting under one hashtag, Catholics not only demonstrate solidarity in their faith, they also open the door for dialog with people online in a new way.
Want to join the movement?
• Visit the Little Way Resources Page and pin/post/tweet any (or all!) of the promotional images you find there (http://www.imagecatholicbooks.com/LittleWay/)
• Post this video of Fr. Barron’s invitation to the #LittleWay movement on your blog or Facebook (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV4aCglFfHE&list=UUUo-BnCAkN5rgUpGwT8RmTQ&feature=c4-overview)
• Tweet this video of Lisa Hendey of CatholicMom.com inviting people to join the movement (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOsvLoNLeG0&list=UUUo-BnCAkN5rgUpGwT8RmTQ&feature=c4-overview)
• Share this article from the Catholic News Agency that offers details about the Day of the Little Way with your friends and family (http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/st-therese-devotees-to-launch-little-way-social-media-campaign/)
• Start tweeting now! Follow @ImageCatholic on Twitter and start tweeting about the Day of the Little Way between now and Tuesday, Feb. 4!
For more information visit www.ImageCatholicBooks.com/littleway