Showing posts with label Advent 2011 Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advent 2011 Resources. Show all posts

Advent 2011 Resources: Readings, Homilies, and Reflections

Several excellent Advent resources are just a click away. These resources offer simple ways to participate fully in the Advent season, week by week, as Christmas approaches.

Advent 2011 devotionals

Video, text, and audio readings and reflections

Mobile Gabriel
Mobile access to daily Scripture readings

American Catholic
Daily reflections for Advent
American Catholic blog

from Saint Ann's Media

Daily Mass

This treasury of prayers, now released on Kindle, will help you go to the Lord with courage and pray to receive God's grace.

Sometimes, the Pope said of prayers and devotions, one goes to the Lord "to ask something for someone;" one asks for a favor and then goes away. "But that," he warned, "is not prayer," because if "you want the Lord to bestow a grace, you have to go with courage and do what Abraham did, with that sort of tenacity."

This comprehensive treasury of Catholic prayer includes everyday prayers, devotionals, how to pray the rosary, litanies, the Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic prayers, prayers to prepare for confession, prayers to the saints, Marian prayers, family prayers, and more.

photo courtesy Per Ola Wiberg