The family, where God is present, has an important role in the history of salvation: this was said by the Catholic Bishops of Indonesia in a Christmas message issued jointly with the country’s Protestant Church leaders. In the Message, a copy was sent to Fides, the authors recall that “the Son of God who became man is Emmanuel, “God with us”. The message titled, “Meeting God in the Family” is signed by Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo of Jakarta and Archbishop Johannes Pujasumarta of Semarang, respectively president and general secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia and by Pastor Andreas Yewangoe and Pastor Gomar Gultom, respectively president and secretary general of the Protestant Communion of Churches in Indonesia.
The Christian leaders acknowledge rapid changes in family life: “We encounter many family difficulties to be solved, poverty, healthcare, suitable housing, children’s education, domestic violence, addiction to drugs and alcohol”. Challenges threatening families include “abortion, prostitution, human trafficking which causes conflicts”. The family find itself in an increasingly individualist culture, the message notes.
Under these circumstances it is necessary to rediscover “values which express relations of love, fidelity and responsibility”. Precisely when “God’s presence is difficult to feel, time for prayer and reflection on the Word of God, become essential”, the Christian leaders say, encouraging Catholic and Protestant communities to present the family and to render the family “the appropriate place for the birth of the Son of God”: the family is where the Lord is present”, they recall. In this way “the family is grace and blessing for all and good news for the world” the message concludes.
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